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So they pick a white male moron who brainwashed, leftist lamebrain idiots will vote for to stop Trump.
These people really believe the foolish lies that the media makes up about Trump. They are convinced he is a dictator who will declare martial law if he loses the election. They are absolute fools.
The Deep State doesn't even have to assassinate or impeach the moron after he wins; they just accept what we all know to be true - Biden is incapable of rational decisions- and move him to pasture.
That allows the colored woman to continue Obama's job to destroy the middle class, wreck the rest of American ideals, and to sign the bill to pay all colored people in the US for the color of their skin, not the content of their character.
Plenty of people (of all colors) have great character and talent and work ethic, but they all must be blamed and looted for enslaving those with none of those "privileges."
That is the world we live in today. The insane patients are running the asylum in DC.
Where? Don't leave us hanging.
However you assign blame for the state of America the captain is responsible for the direction the ship takes. Blame the crew or the color of the passengers makes no difference. Trump blew it and gets no second term. That's the rules America has always applied.
I'm concentrating on replacing the crew. From Congress to governors to dogcatcher.
That will be the key to keeping this ship from sinking. In my humble observation and opinion.
So, no, blaming Trump or any president for the actions of others who are in obvious opposition to everything he wants to accomplish is complete foolishness.
Admittedly there are a lot of fools who are being manipulated by biased media against Trump. (Yes, there are other manipulations done by some of Trump's alleged allies, too.)
If the "crew" are at fault, they should be blamed and punished. It does make a difference who, if anyone, is actually at fault.
I agree with you that many of the "crew" should be replaced, but I'm not confident that we agree on which crew to replace or who should replace them.
There are no victims only volunteers.
Vote every incumbent out of office and control the new crew and captain.
Galts Gulch isn't a place. It's the difference between free people and sheep.
I do not think the voters control selection of the candidates who are running for office. Until that is no longer controlled by party insiders and corrupted business interests, electing a new crew (who have been chosen for their reliability and party allegiance) will have very little effect.
Since their goal is power and their purpose pure, why should they wait?
The path to total control is clearly there once they have the vice presidency.
It is the 25th Amendment.
Within a few months of assuming the presidency, Biden may find himself being the next statue toppled as the socialist/progressive movement moves closer to power.
Replacing him with his vice president could be deemed necessary to the cause.
His colleagues could declare him too old to handle the presidency and remove him under the 25th Amendment.
Et tu, Brute?
The Cause will have been completed."
"...the socialist/progressive movers who now control the board in the game of Democratic Party politics have no ethical tether."
But senile Quid Pro Quo Joe has trouble with even uttering complete sentences.
Nevertheless, it very well could be that someone(s) behind the curtain who pulls Sleepy Joe's strings will make that PC decision for him.
By "PC decision" I mean it will be a woman of color. Political correctness has nothing to do with wisdom.
I am a person of color, pink most of the time with some brown dots, red when sunburned, and tan with dots a bit later.
In the America I expected to live in, that didn't make any difference; merit mattered.
As for my Caucasian color in my human form, I recall long ago seeing in large boxes of crayons and colored pencils a color called "flesh," but I bet BLM would object to that exclusion now. I have graying brown hair and green eyes that turn blue when I put on a blue shirt. So I had blue eyes when I used to go to work at a prison for 21 years.
Oh, yeah, some of me will redden when I spend a weekend at a lake in Florida weekend after next.
That means I'll come back as a slowly fading Pocahontasaurus until I'm a Crackersaurus once again.
The bigger issue here is to watch who the Democrats appoint for Joe Biden to select because I'd bet money that they're going to throw the 25th Amendment at him a few months into office. Right now they're all maneuvering for who should be there because they know Joe's a basket case.
And I absolutely believe the dummycrats would push for AOC as speaker.
The other thing to watch will be the calls for mail-in voting which is rife with fraud. If the swing states such as Florida and Ohio allow it, it will spell the doom of our nation because those two states MUST swing Red or Trump loses.
No she follows VP in line for POTUS.
By definition, if that is the going criteria for picking a candidate then it is both racist and sexist at the same time. To call this out on the Dems is so elementary - and yet not a one politician/pundit/commentator pipes up.
Is it so hard to point out that black skin is not actually black, redskin is not actually red, yellowskin is not actually yellow and white is not actually white?
And the implication that the pick must be a "woman of color" by social justice determination, is more offensive, divisive, exclusionary, and elitist than any example these neo-Marxists wag their guilty finger at.
HaHa .... silly me!