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This, my friends, is why it is important for law-abiding citizens to be able to have firearms.
The protests should be allowed and not interfered with, but as soon as it gets violent, the looters, vandals, and arsonists should be shot on sight. This is a coordinated attack on multiple fronts, on the American government, and on American citizens and businesses, and should be dealt with the same way we dealt with the Nazis.
Not only have I patronized many of these businesses, I have enduring friendships among some of the owners. On the flip side, having spent a lot of time in the Hood, I have friendships, loosely, until I ascertain any involvement in the mayhem. The Lake Street corridor (Hiawatha Ave to Lyndale and 38th st. north into Downtown MSP is one of the most impoverished, and definitely the largest area of misbehavior in this metro area. Prosperity is fleeting. What I have now is my status in the Hood. Opportunism is a way of life....get it now before it's gone. That there may be inciters such as Antifa among this group...possible. I think it is more an eruption of multi-generational frustration.
If you travel the corridor I mentioned from 10pm to 4am you can bet that 95% of those you see have police records. The death of George Floyd is an object lesson of "that could have happened to me", for these folks. I've seen this indignation arise a dozen times on a smaller scale. It is a frustration of entrapment, a mindless outburst of rage.
Our NON-Partisan Political Plan to Call a Convention of States http://bit.ly/COSPlan
Sign Petition http://bit.ly/COS_petition
Volunteer here http://bit.ly/COS2Volunteer
Not a chance of a new rationally based constitution being produced for the USA from such a convention.
I get the impression that much of the rioting and chaos is a process of fanning the flames. In one video you will see a hundred state police shoulder to shoulder and two blocks away the criminal elements are breaking windows and torching vehicles.
Sure. But few have wanted to listen for 60+ years.
I think right now, Trump is taking advantage of that situation.
But amendments and a return to the original intent of the Constitution by that means can last many decades.
#ArticleV explained, COS Alabama>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVQH0J...
George Soros fixes eye on new enemy, Tom Coburn responds
> https://conventionofstates.com/news/g...
I think the socialists are too confident in their current path to go to that extreme.
And I am quite happy to see them stopped.
Socialism has never worked
HISTORIC FAILURES (of socialism)
Jamestown Colony, Virginia, was started in 1607, on the communist plan of public ownership. Under that system the colony passed through the “Starving Time.” It did not thrive until the lands were divided among the settlers. Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts, was founded in 1620, also on the communist plan. The colonists suffered as they did in Jamestown until Governor William Bradford, a wise and practical administrator, gave to each colonist a lot of land to till and to hold in severalty. Then the colony prospered. Under the public ownership plan, if we may credit the statement of Governor Bradford, the colonists would not work industriously. They “let George do it,” and there “were no bones in the boneyard.” After the lands were divided, practical individual ownership succeeded where theoretical comradeship and brotherhood had failed. “What is everybody’s business is nobody’s concern.”
The Founders of the Republic were familiar with the history of Jamestown and of Plymouth. Is it not probable that a prescience of statesmanship enabled them to discern the basic reasons for the failure of communism when they framed our Constitution and defended private ownership.
At least fifty communist colonies have been attempted in America, and many in other parts of the world. Not one of them has survived. Communists all over the world came to admit that “Utopian Socialism,” as these failures are now called, can never be made to succeed. But they insisted that communism on a national scale could succeed, and that it would solve the economic problems of the ages.
When Lenin and Trotsky seized the reins of government in Russia and established the “Soviet Union of Socialist Republics,” the event was hailed with delight by communists everywhere. Now, for the first time, communism was to be tried on a national scale! A tremendously large national scale! Now, at last, communism was to vindicate the claims of its disciples!
As starvation, desolation and despair settled upon Russia, and her industries refused to revive under communism its deluded followers proclaimed the doctrine that communism could only succeed on an international scale—that all the world must be “socialized.”
They admit that they were mistaken when they thought “Utopian Socialism” could succeed, and that they were mistaken when they thought that national communism could succeed. They are equally mistaken in the belief that international communism can ever feed and clothe and house the world. The same reasons for the failure of communism on a small scale apply with multiplied force to communism on a world-wide scale. Enlarging the pest house does not cure the disease. It only exposes more people to its ravages. It were better far to keep it isolated in the already stricken country of Russia, where America and other unaffected countries can send relief.
-GW Cartwright 1925, California 2 term Democrat State Senator.
What happened was that some (most?) governors got too tyrannical. Some of them outlandishly so and still are.
What should have happened is the people should have been properly informed (didn't happen) with facts, the states should have prepared with a plan, equipment, and supplies, and go from there.
Instead, some chose to suffocate their state and allowed no personal responsibility at all.
But, as I sit watching the chaos on tv I am reminded of the late '70s when I was in Tehran during the Sha's demise. I lived in the northern part of the city. I had to go into the city to reach the embassy for help trying to get a flight out. Protesters started marching the street chanting. The military arrived resulting in a standoff. The military used bullhorns to tell the crowd to disperse. I was among many on the sidewalk just watching. The crowd did not disperse and started moving towards the military. Then, the military just opened fire. Then everybody just tried to find cover inside stores or anywhere. There were bodies in the street. After about an hour in the bank where I took cover, I made my way out and walked several blocks over and with a stroke of luck found a taxi to get home.
What I see on tv today is a squishy ooze of humanity that is squished out of one area into just another area for more chaos. It is entirely unproductive. Simple protest is NOT what is happening now. FORCE is the ONLY thing the radical elements will understand. Yes, just like the virus that stalks us now only bullets and/or bulldozers will stop the chaos. I have seen it.
As to the virus and risots, I see a connection, neither were spontaneous accidents. The virus was paid for in part by the deep state medical groups from the US, and the riots were planned as only Obama and Soros know how to buy them. We have seen the same Alinky methods used over and over. Use the blacks to hurt blacks. Was the state Atty. Gen. a Soros bought position, as this cop was long overdue for being canne. I know one like him, yanked a little old black lady from her car when she did not move fast enought, caught on dash cam. He got canned then and thee. This guy somehow skated, or maybe had some help staying to be used for such a purpose as we now see.
As to the Virus and the riots, well, that is Obama, Soros and their pals. All Trumps medl. advisors were Obama leftovers, most of whom have loyalty to China, and have used their alphabet organizations to send millions to that Chinese lab. We should be wary of Fauci, who knows that the grants called for creation of the virus, and "tacking the spread pattern" - what for future warfare purposes? As to the riots, they were just as well planned, so they could be in action within 72 hours. Busses crossing state lines to predetermined cities filled with ignorant thugs. Bricks and 2x4 were placed in advanced for use in causing damage and harm. Black Lives Matter were the busses, with most on board unaware that they are funded by Sosor money, a man who turned Jews into the Nazis for fun and money he stole from the dead Jews. Now, he is doing the same to black communites. ANTIFA members, equally unaware they are bought and paid for by Soros money, which belies their name. Tehy are causing harm to support the one world Marxist views of a man they should hate.
The best thing that could happen is that reason (rational thought) is applied to all situations and that one strong person can deliver an effective message delivering rational thought to each situation ...
...hence subduing emotional reactions.
The Minneapolis police should have dismissed the "loose cannon" many years ago. He reacted with emotions and not reason to a very minor situation, hence setting off a horrible emotional counter-reaction.
Is this scenario possible given the background of the "Deep State" combined with the "welfare state" ?
Probably not.
Time to "Go Galt".
Just kidding, actually I think George Soros has a secret "weather machine" in his basement. That's a much more sane theory ;)
Yesterday a beautiful lady friend of mind (the sweetest person I know) was out with her 10 years old daughter and she was threatened by two teenage boys on bicycles. Why? Because the kids knew they could get away with it. No other reason. She called the county sheriff and they said they wouldn't do anything about it. So the boys returned and threatened her again. I've seen many examples of racism towards white people lately. It's explained as some sort of new, woke view people are enlightened with. It's disgusting. The videos are out there. The one yesterday of those "youths" attacking that young couple with 2x4s was disgusting. It was attempted murder in my view.
So, last night we got word from a law enforcement connection that the "protesters" in the city were going to be showing up in some of the suburbs, including my neighborhood. So, I slept locked and loaded in the front room. What's going to happen soon is some of these idiots are going get get wound up enough to go attack families in their suburb homes and you'll hear about a handful of these protesters being dropped in the streets and yards. What will be the response then from the woke Hollywood leftists? A call for even more violence? I think so. The street I live on is well-armed George Floyd sympathizers who just want to keep their loved ones safe.
I can not wrap my head around this desire for blood in our country. It reeks of communism and last night reminded me of the stories my French mother-in-law tells about hiding in their homes sheepishly waiting for the Nazi soldiers to leave... odd similarity.
Yes, it would seem, upon close inspection, that the Cosmos is at war with us.
Only those with strong Minds will survive. That is not to say that the remaining can't be awakened.
The events going on now and over the past years are converging together at the same period of time. Some apparent sources and the goals are:
Communism, mostly China CCP - World domination
MSM (main stream media, leftist also) - World domination
Islam -World domination
"Education" (leftist controlled K-12, Universities, etc) - World domination
Rioting at the end of May 2020 in the US
Anti-White racism promoted by all the above, as well as other racism.
The now socialist Democrat party in the USA - World Domination
* There is always more but....
The real source is an embittered Satan, who did not achieve world domination a very long time ago.
CCP Method: Chinese Communist Party’s global agenda—coronavirus outbreak is the latest wakeup call
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_co...
The Media Did This
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_co...
Rev 12 comes to mind.
Submit. [don't]
Also, at some point if one read the Bible, Revelation.
and Matthew 24.