covid real numbers

Posted by $ kddr22 4 years, 7 months ago to Science
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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 7 months ago
    Testing out of California, Chicago, and New York are all showing 20% of the population had the virus - and never knew. The other facts frequently overlooked by the press are:

    COVID-19 doesn't kill anyone by itself. Just like the flu, it is a comorbidity factor meaning that if you have some other underlying condition, this can push you over the edge. That's why people under 50 aren't dying in droves. More than 99% of the deaths are in the elderly.

    Want to protect your elderly? Get the virus and develop an immunity to it. Unless you have an underlying condition which puts you at risk (and even then new drugs are proving effective) you have very, VERY little to worry about.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago
      VERY little to worry about ... if you can ignore the increasing number of jackboots being donned against innocent people.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 7 months ago
        Saw on the news this morning a guy in Chicago being beaten by police because he wasn't practicing proper social distancing techniques. Don't know the whole story, but it looked really bad.

        Had to run an errand this morning and caught Cuomo on the radio. Gosh, he sounded like a kindergarten teacher speaking in slow low tones scolding and warning to make sure the little kiddies were wearing clean underwear. It's getting to the point I can't stand to hear his condescending voice. Yes, I turned off the radio.
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        • Posted by term2 4 years, 7 months ago
          Both Cuomo brothers are power hungry idiots. I bet both of them get haircuts while we have to wait. Its obvious that the collectivists think they are the only ones who should be preferred.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 7 months ago
            Liberal elitist mantra: "Rules for thee, but not for me."

            Edit add to my post above: We are seeing first hand there are government bullies willing to knock the snot out of the citizenry over the most specious edicts of the ruling class. If this keeps up, there is likely to be a big mess coming up.
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    • Posted by term2 4 years, 7 months ago
      If you are weak and elderly, maybe YOU might consider staying at home until this thing blows over. Let the rest of the people go about getting exposed and developing immunity while they continue to keep the economy going.

      The government has just gotten power hungry. Keeping people off the beaches is ridiculous really. Whoever wants to congregate with other people should be allowed to, at THEIR own risk.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 7 months ago
        Yes! I'm in the at risk age group and am in very good health. Others in the military and other professions risk their health and very lives to preserve the greatest civilization the planet has ever seen. I'm willing to risk the same to preserve the same. The choice should be mine, not some control freak in public office.

        To be honest, I'd rather be free and risk getting C-19 now that I have a very good chance of beating it than to wait until some other health factor comes into play. That doesn't mean I'd look for getting the virus, but I don't want to be forced to live in a bunker.
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        • Posted by term2 4 years, 7 months ago
          Absolutely, its our decision, not some bureaucrats. I do think that the risk of getting the virus and dying from it is less than 1%, if you consider how easy or difficult it is to get it in the first place. I am in the risk group, so I dont hang around bars, conferences, large groups, and I am not traveling around the country or internationally.

          Until the danger is over. But I am NOT going to hide under my bed for months like they are ordering me to.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 7 months ago
        Precisely. The moral question is whether or not Government has the power to tell you what risks you are allowed to take. The bad part about this is that government has been operating from the beginning on bad information...
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  • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 7 months ago
    The General v. the Specific.

    Shutdown and other of those extreme measures would not have been necessary if governments had done what Taiwan did - Jan2020, strict closure of the border, no incoming flights from China, no Chinese tourists or students.
    Everyone else closed borders but too late, so the bad measures spoken about were brought in.

    There is another thing that governments should have done- closed internal borders, important for nations with large areas. Australia did it with some success. (there were shut-downs as well).
    Suppose the US had isolated NY City, and a few other urban conglomerates, would that have worked? I suggest - yes. Suggested by Trump, knocked back by the usual suspects. NY City would still have needed the strict internal shutdown, and a few other places, but not the whole US.

    So, have these decisions made as locally as possible.

    Another point from the top of the article,
    that the strict measures are not justified by the severity of the pandemic, but how bad does the pandemic have to be is not stated, would that view be used regardless of severity?
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    • Posted by Ben_C 4 years, 7 months ago
      The operative phrase is "slow the spread" NOT "stop the spread." These viruses will run its course until the herd is immune. People can hide all they want but viruses due what viruses do. Yes, it sucks if you get it an die. My questions: are we going to go through this with each flu season? And where was "the government" when sixty thousand plus people died from previous flu viruses 2018-2019?
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      • Posted by term2 4 years, 7 months ago
        Exactly. When we have 30,000 deaths from auto accidents, do we close the roads? When we have pedestrian deaths , do we eliminate all sidewalks? Give us information, and let each of us decide if he/she wants to take the risks of getting a virus. If a person doesnt want to take the risk, then stay home under your bed. Should be an individual decision.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 4 years, 7 months ago
          Here is another case of tragic deaths which is not even reported. There was a school shooting(?) killing about 20 seven year old and under children which resulted in demanding that the Constitution be changed to end the right to bare arms. But on average 20 children in that age group are killed weekly by automobile related causes. There is no outcry to remove automobiles or lock up the children to keep them safe.
          Such deaths are acceptable as part of life even though there might be ways to remove some of the danger. Many lives could be save by all countries driving on the left side of roads. There are on the order of 22 deaths per so many miles from right side driving but only about 16 deaths per so many miles from left side driving.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 7 months ago
          There are between 40K and 90K deaths every year where flu is a contributing factor. This despite "vaccines." And yet people go about their business...
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          • Posted by term2 4 years, 7 months ago
            Life has risks. You might be run over by a bus but we still walk around the city streets.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 4 years, 7 months ago
              OMG! I actually risked life and limb by DRIVING A CAR to the grocery store this morning!!! Can you imagine the chance I was taking!!??? However, I did obey the current Cuomo edict and wore a mask. [Side note: I was grocery shopping in a town that has ZERO cases of C-19! - NYC is about 400 miles away]
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              • Posted by term2 4 years, 7 months ago
                I refuse to wear the mask that the government orders. First of all, its not going to protect ME, and secondly I am NOT infected, so it wont help anyone else if I wear it.

                I really disllike government orders that infringe on my freedom
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              • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 7 months ago
                We are free to decide for ourselves (in GA) what risks are worth taking. Shopping for food, yes. Haircut, no, not yet. (About 30 assumed or proven COVID cases in our county. Sunny, high 85F.)
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 7 months ago
    Based on the results that I have read, the level of impact for an individual suffering from C19 is directly related to the individual's susceptibility. This is predicated on the severity of individual ailments. Ailments include any compromises to the immune system -- such as asthma, hypertension, obesity, etc. Individuals with these ailments know it. If ... and that is a very big if .... If these individuals care about their life, then they will take cautionary steps to avoid those situations where they can contract C19 as well as be close to the resources that can treat them once they do get it. It is also likely that a great percentage of the population will eventually get C19.

    The health clubs and fitness centers should have never closed. Just post, in large font, the warnings regarding those who are susceptible. Individuals should be allowed the freedom to choose their level of risk. Schools should have stayed open. By this point (early May), we would have had vast swaths of folks who had passed through the virus and who are now immune, or the few cases requiring treatment.

    However, The State has taken the position of one size fits all... and now our king of conceit Inslee (Washington State) has ordered the lock down to go beyond May 4th and through the end of May. Residential and commercial construction must desist. But GOV construction projects are allowed to continue. Sweet unemployment checks are showered out while liquor and pot stores remain open. Interesting. There is a disincentive to return to work for the welfare check recipients.

    I see the social distancing (the arbitrary 6 feet) and the donning of masks to be a combination of behavior engineering blended with a generous bit of virtue signalling.

    One bright light -- a number of county sheriffs are not enforcing the dictates from Olympia. And there are protests taking place in sundry towns and cities.

    I recently shared with a like-minded freedom-loving, personally responsible, gun-toting friend in Wisconsin -- if the edict comes down from on high that we must wear masks while out running, cycling, etc ... I will refuse. I will sooner spend a night in jail. He insisted that it would similarly be an opportunity to discover what the food is like while being incarcerated. Resist!
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 7 months ago
    I dont believe anything governments tell us. In the case of kung flu, all they can come up with in Nevada is about 250 "deaths", probably only partially a result of catching it, but more likely due to other factors that weakened people. They could have died from any number of other factors like a common cold or flu- when added to their already serious medical issues.

    Out of 3 million people in Nevada, this is a really small number, definitely a lot LESS than the number that died on the roads due to accidents.

    But we dont shut down the roads to prevent THOSE deaths.
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