Great Commentary on the Lockdown: And the People Woke Up

Posted by Kittyhawk 4 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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This opinion piece resonated with me, and honors Objectivist values.
SOURCE URL: https://forum.freedomfest.com/and-the-people-woke-up/

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  • Posted by Katrina41 4 years, 10 months ago
    I am afraid I would not be welcome in that poet's hibernating world. I stay a safe distance, but I must shop for myself, as the local big box store has no pick-up times available most of the time. We are also trying to move from one house to another during this lockdown, yet I and my husband are both in the high risk group. We are careful. We know the risks and how to reduce them. This nanny tyrany is really getting to me, far more than the damned virus. To live in that poet's world is NOT living: it is the death of the intellect, the death of the mind, the death of freedom. I would rather face the chance of a killer virus than the strangulation of my existence by a morbid entrophy.
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  • Posted by Stormi 4 years, 10 months ago
    I find this the poem of someone used to the ivory tower. Heal ourselves and then heal the Earth, sounds like a call to Green Scam Deal. The Earth is just fine, if we would just tune into it, as realize the Sun controls weather, not Congress. I have always valued solitrued, but even I delight when UPS shows up to hand over a box of new plants to go outside and plant. That is how I spent my time. That and walking into WalMart, Kroger, Lowes and Menards, getting what I need talking at safe distance form folks, but not being conrolled by fear. Sure, I am old enougt to be at risk, but not stupid enough to freak out nor wear a mask which would quickly make any stray germ head straight for my lungs, and incubate int he rcycled air of the mask world. I reflected on who is behind this man made crisis, and I see that one world folks all have money in the pot, and control on their minds. I take strength from Nature, then gear up for the fight against the bad guys. They count on fear and snowflake reactions, not going to happen.
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  • Posted by sbmull1 4 years, 10 months ago
    I never heard of the poem and am sorry it has been so popular. What a vapid piece of drivel it is. I completely agree with the article’s criticism.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 10 months ago
    I must be living in a hole because I was not familiar with the poem. Thanks for sharing this. Interesting.

    I see the delivery folks driving into my street with their gloves and masks...the UPS guy, etc. I worry about them. Can't help it.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 10 months ago
      Never heard this poem either, but despite the fact that it describes very closely my situation (in that there are no worries, no stresses) it would be a total turn-off to me, if for no other reason than, well, what the opinion piece writer stated.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 10 months ago
    The poem is a vapid bit of toddleresque tripe. Here is a person that can afford the breezy carefree life of collecting a government check while paying for the feeding of a preponderance of dogs. This twit rambles on the merits of meditating and dancing while millions of small-business owners are staring down the barrel of bankruptcy. This nonsense about the healing earth is really too much – will the earth no longer emit volcanoes or deep-ocean oil-seepages? Will we now see the end to tornadoes, hurricanes and the indifferent wrath of tsunamis? I doubt it. But as long as we take the time to say hello to our shadows, everything is going to be just peachy. So much for this preachy poem of lefty drivel.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 10 months ago
    My wife an RN works at a medical facility recovery unit works every day caring for patients. I'm concerned that if we return to some normalcy that the medical people who work in that field will be forgotten. I'm retired but have very little time to sit back and relax. Doing repairs on my house, cleaning up the landscape and training a new dog take up considerable amount of time. Oh yes I do write poetry from time to time. Right now I have about 50 pages to type into the computer out of about 100 hand written pieces of paper. Plus, writing comments on the Gulch, and when I have time getting on my sewing machine making up face masks from on-line patterns to see which works the best.
    I'm hoping that the cottage industries that have arisen during this pandemic will survive.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 10 months ago
      I am not sure what you mean by "will be forgotten." What is it you think should happen?

      I'd think they'd be glad to get a respite, but I am not in the medical field and could be missing huge swaths of knowledge.

      Editing to add: what in your opinion would be the right thing to do that would make it okay to continue stripping the general populace of their rights?
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