‘Protesting is Non-Essential’ – Raleigh NC Police Make Tyrannical Claim as Citizens Demand Economy Reopen

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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According to the News and Observer, the protest was organized by ReopenNC, a private Facebook group organized last week that wants people to make their own stay-at-home decisions to avoid exposure to COVID-19 as the worldwide pandemic continues. The group surpassed 28,000 members on Tuesday afternoon.

When the protest began, the Raleigh police department put out a tweet that is sure to go down in history books as they declared the Constitutional right to peaceably assemble, otherwise known as the First Amendment — “non-essential.”
SOURCE URL: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/protesting-is-non-essential-police-make-tyrannical-claim-as-citizens-demand-economy-reopen/

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