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They throw things at the wall, and evaluate the political impact for them.
I did notice that several of the movies had Chinese looking titles/scripts. has a movie been made in China about our current circumstances?
Don't like the clip...because it's so unbelievable that I think it will lull people into some sort of stupor - as it's so over the top and (in this example) seasoned with little edits. But, I think it's legit...
I live in Upstate NY. I was working outside and about 30 minutes ago I had to go in for something and his eminence was on the TV whining and crying the Federal bills just passed to help working people and small businesses didn't contain any no-strings-attached money for the states (meaning it's Trumps fault NY is broke). The more he spewed, the more irritated I got and finally had to shut it off and go find something else to do. Here I live in arguably the highest taxed state in the country since the beginning of the Republic - maybe even the history of the world - and he's crying about being broke?!!! WHERE'S THE MONEY YOU ALREADY TOOK, YOU ASSHAT???!!! Yeah, I can list the waste of millions and millions and millions of taxpayer dollars his eminence pissed away here and there, but it will do no good because the lefties in the state will still vote him back in.
Cuomo is like a stay-at-home 20 something that blew his allowance on beer for himself and his buddies, but forgot to put gas in the car. Now that he's stranded along the highway he calls on daddy to rescue himself and his drunk-on-allowance buddies, and cries and whines because daddy isn't getting there fast enough.
"How does this guy..." Not too hard to figure out when you follow the money (free stuff) buying votes.