Why Ayn Rand Laughs - a Las Vegas Debate Response
As a 38 year old Norwegian named Liam recently posted to galtsgulchonline: “To do business of any kind you need to register with the state and pay a license fee. And there are a lot of regulations. Still they claim that we have a free non-socialistic economy. Well, it is practically regulated into a monopoly for a chosen few. The government of Norway are today on the right officially, but still they play into the hands of the EU. It is still a monster in between. You can see more on how this works at The Capitalist Party of Norway. We do work hard to get into the Norwegian parliament to stir it up a bit. I see a lot of similarities in the Norwegian economy to what happened in Atlas Shrugged.”
The rise in living standards was made possible when cultures based on social cohesion, high levels of trust and strong work ethics were combined with free markets and low taxes.
The welfare state attracted new clients
[USA, 1967] 95 percent of .. men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. Today however, more than 15 percent of such men aren’t working.
To do business of any kind you need to register with the state and pay a license fee. And there are a lot of regulations.
Some conclusions from me-
For high standards of living a nation requires a common culture of social cohesion, trust, etc.
So immigration can be good but must be controlled.
However good your economy there will be pockets of bad stuff, misery and disadvantage. How these are dealt with is crucial, If governments start big programs with taxes and borrowings it will 'kill the goose that laid the golden egg'.
He gives people hope in our individual future.
Its like people dont care about the results of collectivism, but just that it is in place. Very strange indeed.
People seem to be more like vicious animals that simply live by taking whatever they need/want- and collectivism is best suited for this free-for-all societal structure.