This Makes Me So Angry

Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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It's hard to put into words why...but this angers me to no end. Perhaps because Barron reminds me of my son. They could be twins. I find this kind of commentary nauseating.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 3 months ago
    Actually the "facts" are not in dispute. There have been no relevant "facts" presented by the liberal House. All they spout is more fake news and innuendo. They are all guilty of lying to con-gress. Put them all in Guantanamo jail and throw away the cardkey.
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  • Posted by $ 5 years, 3 months ago
    I remember early in the presidency when news cameras caught Barron playing with a baby in the background and the left went nuts in rage over it. I knew then we were in for a real shit show.

    F these people. They are disgusting and very desperate.
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    • Posted by exceller 5 years, 3 months ago
      Peter Fonda (deceased) came out against Barron that he should be kidnapped and exposed to rape.

      That is how sick the left are.
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 3 months ago
        I saw that. Really disgusting. What he was suggesting is, IMO, the lowest crime committed. Really, really unforgivable to even say what he said.

        I'm a peaceful person. But, I have my line in the sand. People who do what these people are doing wouldn't last 5 seconds in a room with me. I'd neutralize them...
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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 3 months ago
    Butt of a joke according to the article??!! My BS meter is pegged full and smoking! I saw the broadcast and she was full of vile and sniveling hatred and meant all she said.

    This Pamela Karlan creature just pulled back the curtains on the window to her soul and revealed the pure evil within.
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    • Posted by exceller 5 years, 3 months ago
      All three "professors" the left propped up at the hearing have long history of TDS.

      That is what the left calls now "indisputable evidence" that the president is guilty (they still did not decide what is he guilty of).
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      • Posted by mccannon01 5 years, 3 months ago
        IMHO, those three I-Hate-Trump professors are living proof the Soviets infiltrated American academia. They are darlings of the Neo Communists.
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        • Posted by exceller 5 years, 3 months ago
          I would amend your statement to "the international communist left".

          The Soviets initiated and installed communisms on the large scale, not only in their own country but Eastern Europe as well. They tried to "export" it (see Che Guevara et al.) with mixed success.

          When the turn cam in 1990, institutional communism suffered a devastating crush, but it never died in the minds of the international "elite" which were determined it was a temporary setback.

          Look at what is happening in Europe now: old communist comrades are coming back and being elected to key positions, proving once again that the "Don't take prisoners" truism should have been observed at the time of the collapse to clean the plate. The new rulers did not have the stomach to prosecute the murderous communists (who had absolutely no qualms doing it when they were in power) and now the old guard is back, threatening to implement the same system that devastated many countries before. They can do it with the financial and other assistance of dark forces like Soros.
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    • Posted by exceller 5 years, 3 months ago
      Yes, you are correct.

      I was perturbed by her vile and viciousness expressed and made visible during the testimony.

      A professional, let alone a professor of a respected University to come across as a fishwife reflects the lack of credibility on the Dem side.

      They have crossed the line from legitimate to witch-hunt without any doubt.

      But they keep going, no matter what happens. They are completely blinded by their hatred.

      Nancy came unhinged today when a reporter asked her about her motive being hatred. The old woman looked and sounded as she is: an old, desperate hack.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 5 years, 3 months ago
    The likely paid-for or promised noteriety leftist shill was impassioned by the 15 minutes of fame she was given and allowed herself to be egged on in the hate-Trump-fest, she was with her 'kind'. Sadly, this is par for the course and a sign of the rusted flotsam which is the dncccp.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 3 months ago
    Another class act by the Jackass Party.
    Bring on Trump hating college socialism is good indoctrinating professors to down their noses lecture those not in lock step with the party line.
    Me dino can tell that really worked out well.
    Has any dim Dem as yet brought forth evidence of an impeachable offense? No.,
    Yesterday even when everyone in the room was asked to raise a hand for anyone having one item of proof-- not a single raised hand was to be seen.
    Me dino supposes they fantasize that floundering around enough accusations will raise a big enough stink to magically make The Donald go away. How pathetic!
    Oh,. Duh, I have an accusation that'll trump the Trump!.
    Let's ingratiate ourselves with the masses by going after the "imposter president's" 13-year-old kid.
    Yeah! Yeah! A-huck! A-huck! Let's make the case that the kid's name, Barron, doesn't mean he can be a baron under our Constitution and some day grow up to rule this land as king!!!!
    Woooo! Hey, that ivy league proclamation or whatever you want to call it DID make an impression, though. Quite an impression indeed.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 3 months ago
    The example of a "highly educated" individual behaving like a Neanderthal brute in the name of her party.

    Not the first time the left attacked young people whose parents they opposed.

    This woman came across as a deranged banshee, foaming at the mouth. Even in her apology she did not offer an apology but directed her hysteria at the president. How can someone like her be a professor is beyond me.

    The left is proving day after day that there is no end to how low they can stoop.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 3 months ago
      You mean highly indoctrinated. Education actually means schooling in facts and the discipline of rational application. Or at least that's what it should be if the Progressives hadn't hijacked the education system...
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