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President Trump is the very first president in my entire voting life who has actually tried to make good on every campaign promise he made and he is getting it done with total and absolute resistance. I can't honestly say I like the man or his style but I sure do love his achievements in the face of all who are against what is good for all of the USA. Who do any of us know that could possibly have the balls to replace him?
Wonder if you'd expand on that?
What is the man and style you like?
It would be unsurprising if he were the sort of loudmouth who talks over everyone else during a conversation, or if he jumped to conclusions and dismissed anyone who disagreed with him.
In this context, the question is not whether I'd enjoy hanging out with him in my backyard, but whether he is the right guy to stare down Erdogan, Khamenei, Kim, Putin, and Xi.
Never forget, never forgive, another example: "I take full responsibility" and "It's for the children" - Janet Reno
If I buy a new pair of boots claimed to be warm and waterproof but my feet get cold and wet inside I can't forgive that company and will never buy from them again. In the political sphere once a politician lies to me/us and is proven to be a liar that politician is done in my book and will never be forgiven by me. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. How about DaNang Dick, Slick Willy and Hillary and lately the new freshman Ilhan Omar. Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler and so many more who proffer complete lies and get caught in them and I simply cannot ever forgive them or give them a second thought in their future endeavors. Lie to me and get caught and you are done. I know this goes against my Christian upbringing but so to does lieing. I am not necessarily Anti Democrat or Pro Republican but when I am lied to I am absolutely untrusting of anything these idiots have to say or any future campaign promises they make. I also don't put much stock in friends who lie to me and basically avoid them once the lie is proven factual. Am I wrong?
Forgive for what? For these enemies whose only interest is their own corrupt existence?
I think most decent people have second thoughts when these wretched characters are put on the stand and punished, on a humanitarian basis.
But that is what they are counting on. The time of forgiveness is over.
Send them to hell.
I'll stick with Trump and the plan to clean the swamp.