Who here is old enough to remember Global Cooling?
Posted by Pecuniology 5 years, 3 months ago to Science
This is the winter, during which your leftist 'friends' on Facebook will remind you over and over and over and over and over and over that weather is not climate, unlike a few years ago, when an unseasonably warm winter was absolute proof-positive of Global Warming™.
I didn't think so.
He tells us that sea levels in South Florida are rising "ten times faster than"—it's unclear if he meant ten times as fast as or eleven times as fast as—the global average, which is hard to fathom, because water generally does not pile up. Worse yet, he is not calling for us to evacuate. Instead, he brags about some Congressional Caucus that he cofounded, so that Congressmen can sit around talking about Teh Climate Change™, rather than design solutions and release the patents into the public domain.
It's almost as if he and his peers felt that reality drips from the tips of their quills, and that the legislative process grants godlike powers to the holders of elected offices.
I mean, surely if she blamed enough people, she could convince the sun to stop in its tracks.
By their own 'logic', then can just identify Teh Climate Change™ away.
Ignore their words. Judge them by their deeds.
Oh, wait . . . never mind.
As a result we stocked up on several hundred dollars’ worth of meat. Of course it will eventually run out but maybe by then the price will be back down.
Edited to remove a “false start” on a paragraph that has already been added.
However, the BLM could be a problem - I am sure there are nuances surrounding that that are quite opaque to me.
I also remember, as a student of geology in the 1970s, the academic consensus being that the world's oil would be depleted by 2020.
Pretty soon, they'll have to start recycling Crises of the Week.
All just a big time Money Grab by global alarmists who will have it all spent before the time ever comes. Keep your Shorts and your long John's handy because the predictions are about as accurate as your current weather reports.
I had forgotten all about acid rain. That was back when AIDS was going to kill everyone in the suburbs.
I’ve been following this topic now for almost a year, November 2018. Very interesting theory Professor Valentina Zharkova has published, it’s possible and seems very likely she is correct.
How she discovered her equations is an organic find; typically, the most accurate as she didn’t set out to predict the solar cycles. She is a mathematician by education and was working as an astrophysics, studying the sun. She took the known recorded magnetic pole data (each pole, the sun has two sets) and put it through component analysis to generate a trigonometric function describing the position of these two poles. What she found is that when the poles are opposed, we have many sun spots and a more active sun; inversely, when the poles cancel each other, we have a quieter sun with fewer sunspots and output. She ran her equations though the know records of sun spots with 97% accuracy. She ran the equation forward and has predicted a “grans solar minimum” like the Maunder Minimum beginning in 2030 (many have dubbed it the Eddy Minimum). Some are saying it is beginning now as the next solar cycle is predicted to be so weak that our next solar cycle 25 will be considered the beginning. Solar cycle 25 is predicted to be less then half as strong as solar cycle 24 (NASA, Zharkova is predicting 80%), which was the weakest solar cycle for over 200 years (Dalton Minimum).
With the man-made global warming hysteria, its nearly impossible to speak with family and friends about this topic. You see the crazy look when you attempt to speak with them about it, so I’ve given it a rest for the moment. My issue, like many that have researched this topic is that we are not prepared; it will become very ugly very quickly when the inter city grocery stores are empty.
If you need more proof of the damage this will cause, look at this growing session. A late start due to flooding in the spring and now an early frost in the mid-west with 50% of the crops still in the fields. See the link provided for this thread. This is just the beginning; year after year of poor crop yields will have grave consequences for our world.
Svensmark has provided some theoretical underpinning to the long noted linkage between sunspot activity and climate first noted in a paper by Sir William Herschel in 1801 correlating sunspot activity with the price of wheat.
While the correlation was known, the mechanism was not. The change in radiance between sunspots an no sunspots is minimal. However the solar wind increases with sunspots and the solar wind blocks cosmic rays.
Svensmark theorizes that in times of low sunspot activity the cosmic rays increase and increase cloud layers which increase the Earth's albedo leading to cooling -- except over the poles because Ice has a higher albedo than clouds. Some of this was confirmed via experiments at CERN.
I've been expecting cold as a result of this for the last 15 years, based on observable trends in cycles 23 and 24. When Zharkova's paper came out, I became much more certain.
It's too bad the "Global Warming" religion is blocking all serious climate science.
I will also note that the Wikipedia article has increasingly downplayed Herschel's paper over the last 15 years -- but you can read the actual paper on the internet.
Prices of houses in my neighborhood are higher than they were, when I bought my house. And, remember, they were built in the early 1950s (concrete block and poured concrete, of course; only an idiot lets his children sleep in a matchstick-frame house).
Those are the facts (along with one parenthetical opinion).
The solution: Higher Taxes
It all comes down the same base problem.and people today do not understand the basics.
We need MORE Taxes. <--- Sarcasm
So, we will just be taxed (as we were to prevent the '70s Ice Age) to prevent Global warming.
I also wonder if they were ever aware of the reliable Grand Solar Minimum cycles of warming and cooling.
Yes we are headed into a cooling spell but the greater concern is our weakened magnetic shields, the increase of cosmic radiation and magnetic pole reversal. These occurrences fit right into our recent investigation of a 12-15K year catastrophe cycle and the Sun's Micro Nova cycle...the last one was "The Flood".
See: suspicious0bservers.org for more information on the subject. Much time and effort has been spent on vetting the material out. The latest videos show how that process has proceeded.
They even have shopping carts at Costco and Wal-Mart, so that we can practice walking on our hind legs.
There's a technological solution for just about everything.
Think I was in the Fifth or Sixth grade when I read in a TEXT BOOK (of all things) a scientific opinion that we had yet to emerge from the Ice Ages and that our sunny time of respite--think of us being in the eye of a hurricane--would again be assailed by an enormous creeping sheet of ice.
Knowing that sheet would creep soiuth ever so slowly and living in Alabama, me dino was kinda hoping to live this long to see that ice sheet start up in Canada yet once again.
That would have been far more interesting than to hear all the phony politically-slanted blather about what's really about what the sun wants to do.
That wild force of nature in the sky doesn't care if we all turn into socialist cow fart eliminators or even exterminate ourselves for the crime of being planetary parasites.
So tired of all of them!
I usually turn it around and say "What year can we say it is actually too late and you shut up about it because there is nothing we can do?"
Followed with...
Don't talk to me about it until AFTER that year!
I watch the skies regularly this year has had far fewer chem trails than previous few years, but I watched them crisscross the sky yesterday till just one big milky cloud resulted.
I don’t condone or approve of this pollution.
"Those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them." Problem is it's the idiots in DC who forgot the mistakes, and the rest of us who are doomed by their incompetence!
This piece is great and supports the idea that our climate and weather are both beyond our control, an that we mere human beings can do little to change it. If the climate is going to change it will, whether our beachfront homes will end up under water or not.
But there’s a bright side - maybe a series of brutally cold winters will put Washington DC in a deep freeze and we can get back to our lives.
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