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  • Posted by AMeador1 5 years, 2 months ago
    The Ukraine had just elected a new President that ran on trying to clean up the corruption there. Based on the premise that the previous administration there was corrupt - why would Trump have went to them prior to this to ask about having Burisma investigated? That would be stupid - especially give that Ukraine, during Trump's 2016 election, had meddled in the election with the intent of helping Hillary. So, now a new President that wants to clean house is asked to look into this seems perfectly reasonable to me.

    The Dems are being completely irrational in this matter. The US cannot go there and investigate the matter ourselves and if Ukraine wants aid - tying it to perform investigations that, at minimum, have the appearance of impropriety makes total sense. But it doesn't appear that Trump did tie the aid to these investigations based on the testimony I heard - and if he did, I would not have had a problem with it.

    So, is the Vice President above the law? That is inherently what they are arguing. Or, so long as one is running for election for the Presidency - are they above the law? In terms of Hillary and Biden, it seems that they think that their politicians that are running for the office are. They were happy to investigate Trump before and after the election - and during the campaign. Do their arguments to impeach then not apply to Obama and his administration? I have no issue with people who have done something worthy to warrant an investigation be investigated. But what I saw was them taking Trump out of context, manipulating his words and sarcasm, and making up dossiers to "justify" the investigation into Trump - all for political reasons over just reasons. Yet, Obama, Biden, Biden's son (and other top level Dem's kids) were rolling in money from this Ukrainian company while Biden was VP - with apparently no skill sets or backgrounds to justify their positions and pay. THAT IS worthy of an investigation. The Dems say it has been debunked - based on what investigation?

    Based on their reason, wouldn't any President that ever does anything that would make the voting base happy, be justification to say he did it for personal political gain or to manipulate an election by making himself look good? Yet, they don't see that opening up the gates to the country while offering the bribes of welfare, free education, freedom from deportation, free 'you name it', etc is the exactly what they accusing others of. Well, probably they do - it is just tactics to them and they are fine with the ends justifying the means.

    I think the people need to seriously consider looking into using impeachment of these lifelong politicians - Dems and Republicans alike that are royally screwing the American citizens. They are corrupt, irrational, 'deep statists', constantly making themselves rich off of their fascist cronyism, bribery, fraud, etc. Dems first, left leaning Repubs next, then any of the rest that cannot seem to get the idea of what a free individual means and then properly apply it!
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 2 months ago
    How anything he did correlates with "Conspiring with a foreign Government" eludes me. I fully expect and even demand that my President when giving away the American Taxpayers money in the form of foreign aid does everything in his powers to assure our money is not going to a corrupt government. Obama delivered $1.8 billion in cash to Iran, how is that working out for US? VP Biden held up and then signed over a Billion in foreign aid to Ukraine and they can't account for over half of that money that has disappeared. WTF???
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  • Posted by PeterSmith 5 years, 2 months ago
    Because Trump is one of the best Democratic President they've had in a long time. Democratic leaders know this and have done everything they can to avoid having to impeach Trump. They need him to keep pushing his crazy, leftist, anti-immigrant, anti-trade, surrender to every commie dictator on the planet agenda, while also claiming to be an alternative to democrats. It's being pretty win-win for them since Trump's election.
    But Trump is very insistent on scoring the own-goal of impeachment and has made it impossible for them to not proceed.
    But impeaching Trump simply angers his base and allows him to play the coveted victim card. It does nothing but hurt Democrats.
    So in summary, they are trying to have their cake and eat it too, by doing everything they can to keep the leftist Trump in office, while pretending to oppose him.
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  • Posted by Stormi 5 years, 2 months ago
    If ever there were a clear and present danger, it would have been Obama sending million in cash to Iran. Or maybe when Hillary and Bill worked out Uranium One, giving Russia uranium for their weapons - or Iran's. Trump has not come close to any of those acts. Pelosi is a treasonous hag. Look how she stands close to Soros at gahterings, beaming up at him. so called shistleblower Eric ciamella had ties to Russia befroe 2016 even, he was sharing info back and forth, maybe he should be charged with treason.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 2 months ago
    The reason the charges are so vague is because they can't provide any evidence that he's committed an impeachable offense. Their believers never point to anything specific, spouting invective and wild claims about what he's thinking of doing. I've had several liberals tell me that this is a "preemptive" impeachment, to prevent what horrible things he is going to do in his next term.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 2 months ago
      There has not been one piece of specific, actionable testimony that DT did this on this date. Meaning, they will fail because the Senate is a whole different ball game, hence Felony's attempt to rig it. The Republicans just need to ignore her and say "Send us your impeachment and we will look at it, or shut up, either way, we don't care about you". That would get her undies in a twist....
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 5 years, 2 months ago
        I've been trying to play this out in my head as to what she could possibly be thinking, and came up with this bizarre scenario: she's got him impeached, which in the heads of many of the unwashed, means he should be leaving. The actual process of how things proceed, with a trial, were taught in those civics classes that have been dropped, so many sheeple now think he's just refusing to leave. She may be thinking to just leave things hanging through the election, shouting loudly about our "illegitimate impeached resident of the White House," expecting that to discourage swing voters from voting for him. She probably has also convinced herself that she can wait until after the elections, gambling that the Democrats gain control of the Senate, and can then convict Trump, even if he wins a second term. I said it was bizarre.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 2 months ago
          Assuming that was accurate (and I have no basis to say she is not THAT stupid), she will have a much bigger, huger, colossal problem: when the indictments are unsealed, and Durhams come out, how could she spin it, except "this is just to try to preserve the illegitimate president"? Specifically, that is why Barr has been staying light years away from any of it, and he says he will not comment on any of it, and gave the whole thing to Durham, plausible deniability. They may get 20-30% of the sheeple to think this, but it will never be enough.
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          • Posted by exceller 5 years, 2 months ago
            I see it the same way.

            Doc has a point but the pendulum is swinging.

            PIglosi probably figured it'll work as she planned but the plan is not getting traction with the electorate and it is getting more unlikely the Dems will succeed with the scam. People are simply not convinced that the flimsy process they staged is true.

            It will be a huge task to drag it out till the election.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 5 years, 2 months ago
    Because that would go up in flames and clearly unveil their motives. Presently, they think these motives are concealed by "media chaff".
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 2 months ago
    They are keeping it vague now and talking their asses off. I admire their determination. It's tough to imagine people gobbling their BS up, though.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 2 months ago
    To Democrats, anyone who isn't voting for them is a "clear and present danger." It isn't about what Democrats "think" - because I use that term only loosely to describe them it is all about what they believe they can get away with. Thinking requires some semblance of honesty in one's internal processing and Democrats have given that up.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 2 months ago
      I particularly enjoyed that Democrat former CIA dolly who gave such thought to her decision and then voted with her teammates! Got a lot of publicity for her though.
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  • Posted by TheRealBill 5 years, 2 months ago
    It is simple in my opinion: they don’t want an actual crime involved.

    The moment they claim a crime is involved people will expect and even demand criminal rights. They can’t meet that standard.

    As evidence for that opinion I offer the fact that despite their blathering nothing from Mueller is in their articles.

    They want to be able to claim it is all nothing to do with a crime despite the constitution NOT authorizing impeachment for things that are not crimes.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 5 years, 2 months ago
    I'm getting so sick of the Dems attempt at a Coup d'etat. It seems that they aren't going to back down. Their irrational behavior is tearing the whole country apart. They rather fight their constituency and the rest of the voting public. I believe that there will be violence closer to the election and also Dems will seek to enact anti-gun laws so Antifa will have free reign.
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  • Posted by Bill54 5 years, 2 months ago
    There is an elephant in the Democrats china shop and he is not playing by swamp rules. Somewhere in the back room is a connection with the Democrat party, George Soros and a system of money exchange(laundering) that the elephant is sniffing out. What could it be? Who could it involve? Well now, one can only guess where this story will conclude.

    There might be a good ending to this story if Republicans regain the House and Donald Trump is re-elected. Anxious to see. Time will tell and the truth will seep out eventually. Yes, eventually.
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