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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 4 months ago
    Respectfully I must comment, when I was in school, my professors were intelligent enough not to try to influence us politically.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 4 months ago
      Things have changed a lot since then. When I was an undergraduate in the 1980s, we were subjected to political rants in the classroom, but we were able to brush them off and mock the silliest.

      Today, professors are losing their jobs for questioning postmodernist absurdities that have nothing to do with the subjects that they are teaching.

      A friend of mine teaches Finance, as I did for 15 years. At a previous university, his dean accused him of racism, because he required his students to calculate financial ratios and interpret them correctly. The dean had a background in some non-quantitative field and told my friend that the answers were correct in his opinion, and that not everyone agreed.

      There's no arguing with logic like that.
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 4 months ago
        You might enjoy an experience my husband had in college. He was a 20 year 3 time combat veteran with hip pocket orders in his possession in case the Chief of Staff declared a National Emergency. This particular professor said, "Everyone needs excitement in their life at least every 6 months." He advised her not so! She mistakenly told him he didn't know what he was talking about. The President of the college corrected her.
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        • Posted by 5 years, 4 months ago
          I served as an expert witness in a US Army court martial recently. While preparing to testify, I chatted about Army life with the lawyers who had hired me.

          Apparently, the US Army—and probably other branches, as well—has gone full PC over the past decade.
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      • Posted by exceller 5 years, 4 months ago
        "At a previous university, his dean accused him of racism, because he required his students to calculate financial ratios and interpret them correctly. The dean had a background in some non-quantitative field and told my friend that the answers were correct in his opinion, and that not everyone agreed."

        Yes, we talked about this the other day. It is becoming a standard that results don't count but efforts do. In other words, if a dumb guy fails the test repeatedly, he should be given a good grade because he "tried" and put in an effort.

        Wonder what characters like this dean say when a student of his is not hired because he can't even pass an Excel test? Or worse, he is hired but he causes a catastrophic failure in which people die?

        I know what he'll say: that his intentions were good and he meant well. That is the standard excuse the left uses in every failure their agenda results in.

        And you are correct: things have changed substantially in the education system in the past few decades. For the worse. The argument of the dean is not logical. It is dogmatic.
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        • Posted by 5 years, 4 months ago
          We no longer have the luxury of calling this kind of thing an 'unintended' consequence of Progressive education reforms.

          Given the consistency of the anti-rational nihilism that permeates entertainment, education, and mainstream media, this is not the result of pure chance. This isn't to say that there is some unified conspiracy with a grand puppetmaster pulling the strings from behind a curtain. It could be more like The Party in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which there is no leader, but just a swirling mass of power-hungry back-stabbers.

          Albert Jay Nock and Ayn Rand wrote about this stuff more than a half-century ago. The shame of it all is that those who are opposed to this rubbish are also likely to be productive and wealthy enough to remove their children to private schools or home tutors. They also are much less likely to pursue careers as teachers, leaving the field wide open to the haters of the good.
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          • Posted by exceller 5 years, 4 months ago
            Who is calling it "unintended"?

            Look around: the same phenomenon is reaching epidemic proportions globally. The Europeans are implementing the same demented brainwashed standards as the US, or Japan. It is anything but unintended.

            More likely they are all using the same playbook. with some local variations but the objective is the same: to "engineer" tomorrow's generations where people are identified by numbers. No nations, no borders, no religions (Islam will probably live), no levels of education: a robot-like assembly that can be controlled by drugs.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 4 months ago
    I hate reading/knowing about how the brainwashing of young people is going unchecked in this country. I am reading the title in the same publication that they banned an ad b/c of the word "nationalism" in it which may hurt students of color.

    Students of color have no nationality? Have no pride in their country of which they belong? I feel sorry for them. It must be terrible not to belong to any nation and have no nationality, which is what this misguided "directive" implies.

    Corrupt administrators issuing this order should be tied together, a big boulder secured to their mass and lowered to the deepest part of the ocean.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 4 months ago
      Judge them by their deeds and not by their words.

      None of this is new, but they do keep changing their brand names and the colors of their shirts. Their ancestors called themselves Marxists and later Pragmatists, Progressives, Social Democrats, Liberals (an Orwellian usurpation of a formerly noble term), Feminists, Postmodernists, and now Intersectionalists.

      Whether their shirts are black, brown, red, or rainbow, their fundamental axiom is always the same: unfiltered, primitive envy. The don't want your stuff; they want you not to have your stuff. This is why they torch limousines and police cars, rather than steal them.

      They began infiltrating the Colleges of Education about a century ago, and their takeover is now complete. They run the shops, where new teachers, school administrators, and educrats are programmed, and where university administrators earn their PhDs in Higher Education Administration. Once College of Education alumni are in charge of the entire university, then can ram their anti-intellectual nihilism down the throats of the deans and professors across campus.

      This is how Medicine has been turned into something that would make their intellectual ancestor, Josef Mengele, proud, what with the chemical sterilization and genital mutilation of 'trans' children that is becoming normal.

      It would take a literal revolution to reform the system.

      This is why I have decided to start a school for pupils who age out of Montessori. I cannot save the world, but I can build a lifeboat for some few to keep Western Civilization, even if only in small pockets of sanity here and there.
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