Oxford University Bans Clapping at Student Union Events to "Stop Triggering Anxiety"

Posted by Pecuniology 5 years, 4 months ago to Education
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Put your hands together and let's have a big round of applause for the students at the Oxford University, who are working to "replace clapping" because it could "trigger anxiety."
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/oxford-university-bans-clapping-student-union-events-stop-triggering-anxiety

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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 5 years, 3 months ago
    To paraphrase an old Buddhist tale:

    A young millennial runs to Buddha and demands that his peanut allergy force all to bend to his will. Buddha agrees with one condition. The millennial must find at least one person who has no allergies, no aches, no pains and no mental turmoil to witness the transfer of power.

    ....but, but...said the millenial....

    ...but, indeed...said Buddha.

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  • Posted by Lucky 5 years, 3 months ago
    Techniques for repelling pests
    Category- wokists, snowflakes, progressives

    Hand clapping gives them anxiety and they scurry away as best they can with heads down and ears covered.
    Clapping emits no carbon pollution and is renewable.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago
      While I agree completely that not giving in is the best defense, I also recognize that the vicious little culties really are victims, but not in the way that they mean.

      Their indoctrination began in nursery school and continued unabated through undergraduate and graduate school. By the time that they are finished with school, they are expected to function in the real world as independent adults, even though they are incompetent to distinguish floating abstractions, stolen concepts, and anti-concepts from high-level concepts that are gounded on objective reality; and they cannot rank primary values and secondary values.

      And, like feral animals that have been injured, they attack those who try to help them. Singly, they are pitiable; en masse they are a violent, deadly nuisance.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 3 months ago
    Ok...stay with me here... There are probably a couple factors at work here. I know about one of them. Recently I posted a thread here about how neurological problems are an exploding epidemic in our youth. One effect of many such disorders are extreme sensitivity to loud noises. I've seen it firsthand at my kid's school. They have a fire drill with the alarm going off and many of the kids simply can't handle it. They can't help it. It's 94 db you you and me, but much higher to them.

    Is this crazy? You bet it is. Get used to it. Oh...and while you're at it, don't bring a peanut onto an elementary school campus. It could actually kill some of the students. Mull that over...

    These are real problems. Of course, there is a facet of the young population and their keepers who just want to control others by claiming victim status. They aren't helping matters...
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    • Posted by Solver 5 years, 3 months ago
      The solution is simple. All loud noises should be made much softer. To start, order people to only air clap, quiet down emergency sirens, slow down jet engines, remove car horns, and set a mandatory volume limits on all audio amplifiers. This way everyone is severely affected by those pretending to be outraged by this problem. Also anyone who disagrees these far left based solutions should be mercilessly ostracized.
      Now don’t you feel much better and even more morally superior?
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      • Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago
        You left out thunder. My dogs hate that stuff!

        Terrorist attacks, inner city gunfights, and riots are loud. Someone needs to regulate those things.

        And, although this is not much of an issue most of the time in North America or Western Europe, military invasions can be very distracting. Someone needs to make military personnel keep it down, so that the sound-sensitive are not agitated.


        ooh! I almost forgot: drone strikes, bombs, and asteroid impacts...
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        • Posted by Solver 5 years, 3 months ago
          I can just see the outraged far left being crazy enough to demand quiet bombs and all guns have silencers.
          That’s if that would make a more peaceful world.
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          • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 3 months ago
            Many years ago I lived in the leftist town of Davis, CA. That town's famous for building a tunnel under the freeway for toads. I did like living there...the limousine academic lefties don't tolerate crime in their own community. I had a contractor doing an addition to my home and he told me one of the college profs asked him to hammer nails on a job with those rubber mallets to make it quieter. He said, "Ok, but I'll have to charge you twice as much." "Oh, nevermind then."
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    • Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago
      What sets many of us off about this stuff is that the sufferers are indoctrinated to maintain external loci of control, meaning that they feel entitled to compel everyone else to adapt to the sufferers, rather than the other way around. It's as if an amputee expected others to carry him around on their backs, rather than learn how to wear a prosthetic leg. To the sufferer who maintains an external locus of control, those of us who maintain internal loci of control (i.e., we sort out our own problems) say, "Yeah, sure, your life sucks. I get that. I even sympathize. Leave me out of it; I'm not bothering you with my woes."

      As for lethal peanut allergies, what percentage of the population does this represent? Even more important, how much of this is caused by parents' not exposing their children to peanuts at an early age and by parents' dousing their young children in buckets of hand sanitizer, rather than letting them stress their developing immune systems by playing in dirt and chewing on shoes? If the parents and the school teachers are to blame, then pin the cost of mitigation on them, and not on the other kids who just want to be left in peace to enjoy their peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for lunch.

      As for loud alarms, for one thing they don't need to be that loud to get our attention, so that is just a matter of bad design that any competent technician can fix; and if the loudness is set by statute, regulation, or administrative rule, then we should petition for legal change. For those who are sensitive to loud noises, as I was as a child, covering one's ears with one's hands is always an option. If that is not enough, the put some baggies of those little squishy ear plugs into your child's book bag, and teach him how to pinch them down and insert them safely. Coddling those who panic during fire drills very well could mean their unnecessary deaths in the event of a real fire.

      It is fascinating how offended those who maintain external loci of control become, when one suggests that they maintain internal loci of control. They expect the strong to sacrifice themselves to the weak, and falsely accuse the strong who refuse to sacrifice themselves of sacrificing the weak to the strong, when the strong don't want to sacrifice anyone to anyone else.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 3 months ago
    Those students could always snap their fingers like beatniks did after hearing a poem in a coffee house.
    Me a little dino thought that weirdness looked kinda cool on my parents' black and white TV during the Fifties.
    On the other hand, me dino thought The Addams Family cool during the Sixties.
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    • Posted by BCRinFremont 5 years, 3 months ago
      Allosaur. I also thought of the beat-nicks finger snapping!!

      Do not clap for that man behind the curtain!!!!
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 3 months ago
        Should you ever see the man behind the curtain with someone else? That's when you're supposed to complimentary place the tip of a forefinger over your lips and hiss a "Shhhh!"
        You sure as hell don't want to righteously yell, "Hey, who's that man behind that curtain?!" That's a good way of receiving an IRS audit.
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 3 months ago
    I heard about this and don't understand at all. How many people have a reaction to clapping? I imagine very view. If I were in a small group and someone had this problem, I would absolutely avoid clapping. I can't even understand someone who would laugh at their suffering or do it just to hurt them. But it makes no sense to me have a large group refrain from clapping. There must be another solution.

    I wonder if among young people a reaction to clapping is not as rare as I think. If not, I wonder why. I have a suspicion that availability of handheld devices could play a role because they decrease human interaction and delay kids going out into their neighborhood on their own. They've also made it practical for helicopter parents to insist their kids spend their lives under adult supervision. Once they are free of supervision, they are prone to anxieties caused by everyday things like applause. This is just a guess on my part. Hopefully someone is researching it. In any case, I see the last 20 years as an unintentional global experiment to see what would happen if a generation of people had handheld video available all the time. It may have little effect, but we should know if it's causing ill effects like applause anxiety.
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