Anti-Trump 'Whistleblower' Worked With DNC Operatives, Joe Biden

Posted by $ nickursis 4 years, 10 months ago to Government
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My goodness, some truth is leaking out..I mean, something beyond " I heard it from someone else who heard it, and I am saying what I was told to say and cannot be disproved because you can't disprove something I never heard". Now get this: "Politico reported on a Ukrainian-American woman who consulted for the Democratic National Committee, and “met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia.” The woman, Alexandra Chalupa, was paid $412,000 from 2004 to June 2016 by the DNC." Really? The "whistleblower" is now working at CIA, and who do we know ran CIA: Brennan. Who did this jerk work with: Brennan. Gee, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see this charade. If you believe the demonrats, then I have a great farm for you, only $1 million, cheap. Cash only.
SOURCE URL: https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/30/anti-trump-whistleblower-worked-with-dnc-operative-who-sought-dirt-on-trump-from-ukrainian-officials/

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 10 months ago
    Me dino saw this coming ever since I first heard that whoop dee doo big bad oo-weee """whistleblower""" BS.
    That stupid sorry little lying sack of Schiff thinks we're the ones who are stupid.
    Hope I live to see the expression on his weird pop-eyed face should anyone ever get around to arresting that cowardly cur.
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  • Posted by exceller 4 years, 10 months ago
    Not only that, but this Ciaramella had a close friend who worked for Schiff.

    No wonder Schiff is keeping a lid on what he is concocting.
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  • Posted by TheRogue1000 4 years, 10 months ago
    It's amazing that in the internet age, pretty much NOTHING can be concealed for too long.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 10 months ago
      Interesting point, given that there are boatloads of people reporting on these things with facts, and people still go to the MSM well to drink the koolaid. If they just put some effort into it, you can see who hzs data and who just " makes sh@t up". That shoul drive anyone interested in truth to the right conclusions. You dont need a phd to know Sift and company have been on a " impeach for something" crusade since day -90.
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quite a few people stated initially that the "whistleblower" was NOT a "whistleblower" because "the whistleblower" had no first-hand, eye-witness information - it was all second-hand hearsay. Apparently, there is an official government definition (whether in law, regulation, or whatever) that requires a "whistleblower" must have first-hand, eye-witness information. Well now, apparently, that federal "rule" was changed back last summer sometime, to allow for hearsay information - JUST IN TIME for "the whistleblower" to come forward (as planned?) and offer HER testimony, without revealing HER identity, etc., as is required for giving court testimony (you know - that "constitution thingey" that gives the accused the RIGHT to confront their accuser). But, I know, whistleblower testimony is given IN SECRET (like a "Star-Chamber) because the "whistleblower" FEARS FOR HER LIFE (don't you know!). Sure - it was Vince Foster and Jeffrey Epstein who had cause to FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES! So, talk about "conspiracy!" Who conveniently arranged for the "whistleblower definition" to be changed, just in time for the DEEP STATE to use their "witness" to further attack President Trump? The "Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy?" DEATH to the DEEP STATE!
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 10 months ago
      Kevin, you miss the little piece that neutralized your statement (which was, in fact, correct). The "whistleblower" controllers got the form changed (two weeks after it was filed) when they realized that fact, so that it added "or has credible knowledge" or some such silliness, to enable any moron to claim he knows what Trump said sitting on the John talking to the Ukraine. It was buried in the metadata of the PDF with dates and all, yet no one reported on that little charade.Even the current battle is nonsense, because the law cannot be applied to protect someone who is not meeting the rules of the law. That is the claim the Republicans are using to unmask, because when it is known he is a C_A agent...it all goes out the window. They really do not want his name known because you cannot subpoena a no name to testify in court.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 10 months ago
    So far they are ignoring the "leaker" who worked with him from DC. I have seen the name Sue Gordon, who resigned from her CIA job about the time the so-called whistleblower rlease hit the news.
    Gordon is a pal of Nellie Ohr.
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