Little Adam Schiff Threatens Ethics Consequences If Any Congressman Names the Fake CIA Whistleblower: SENATOR Rand Paul Names Fake CIA Whistleblower
Posted by Pecuniology 5 years, 3 months ago to Politics
Mike Pence has approximately a 0% chance of being elected President. Vice President Rand Paul, on the other hand, might have a shot.
As nice a guy as he seems to be, I hope that Pence retires from politics in time for Trump to appoint Paul as his replacement.
As nice a guy as he seems to be, I hope that Pence retires from politics in time for Trump to appoint Paul as his replacement.
As a side note on all this, I didn't have any opportunity to watch any of the circus ... er ah ... hearings today so I guess I'll have to catch a few sound bites later tonight. I did have a new perspective thought on this whole affair while I was out splitting wood in the snow. That is, Mark Twain's quip came to mind: "My wallet feels safest when congress is not in session." This preoccupation that congress is caught up in is almost as if they're not in session. However, if the Neo Communists win this one we can all say bye bye to our wallets.
It is all out in the open who this guy is.
Did Trump quit?
I posted about this already.
At this point, the only thing that should scare him is kryptonite. (brrr...! I hate that stuff!!!)
Also, don't forget to post all of your income tax returns for the paste decade.
My reaction to this problem, even if I got caught up in it, would not be what looks like a parody of ad hominem: I can't argue the facts, but I need a person to attack. It's not just another behavior crooks engage when caught, i.e. who ratted me out?, but it's a microcosm of what's bad about politicking in any endeavor, whether it's public policy or electronics. I find it contemptible.