‘Historically significant’ blizzard forecast to strike Rockies in Montana, Idaho this weekend
Wait a minute! We just had a 16 yo girl with Aspergers yelling at the UN that she lost her childhood because of you moronic politicians who have NOT reacted to the lies and manipulation to steal money for "global warming". We CANT have a blizzard, we can't, we can't, we can't. The children just protested and went on strike from school because NO ONE seems to realize we are all going to die from heat, no water, sea level rise. Go look at the GFS model and they are getting a HUGE FRIGGING BLIZZARD this weekend into next week. In the first week of fall? How does this fit "climate change"?
And if you follow Svensmark's hypothesis that the Sun's control of cosmic rays increases clouds, then you wouldn't be surprised that not only is it getting colder on most of the planet but the polar regions are warming -- clouds have lower albedo than the ice they are covering.
They stick to their "models" that predict that we will be doomed in 13 years due to warming, caused by human activity, no less.
BTW, don't be surprised if Al Gore shows up in the Montana Rockies this weekend. He has a knack for giving global warming talks during cold streaks and snow storms.
There was some thought given to yet again change the name to "climate disruption," but I haven't seen that adopted yet.
The CO2 going higher was a NO BRAINER BET...
I've shared this graph below. We are near HISTORIC LOWS of CO2. This was a perfect storm. NATURALLY Rising CO2, which makes taxing breathing an option, with the blame for the Heat. It was TOO EASY... And A Hundred years to profit from it! It was PERFECT!
https://www.screencast.com/t/fUnOOtEt7 (That's the graph). 500 Million years, we spent most of it OVER The IPCC Red Line from 2100
WITHOUT Any sign of Runaway Warming!
Now, lets see what they do to blame the widespread cooling, and (as I understand it), increasing Volcanic and Earthquake Activity. Which, will spew more CO2 into the air, MATCHING the very charts impending higher CO2. None of which depends on man! (Maybe on the Idiot Dr. Mann!)
BTW, Plug Mark Steyns Book which debunks it at a great level. My friend actually went from 90% Believer to on the fence, but we are causing Environmental changes after reading it!
You people in the masks, we have a special job more suited to your gang.
(Years ago this was obvious sarcasm)
They know it STOPPED Warming!
So they changed the name to Climate Change!
So, these snow storms will be Touted as Climate Change or Weather! LMAO.
I asked someone. In a world that is ONLY getting hotter for the last 70 years... Why are we getting NEW RECORD LOWS? There should be ZERO new record lows. Lows, yes. But going below an old low is NOT a sign of warming. Furthermore, the number of record highs should GROSSLY outweigh the record lows. Just check out the stock market in an uptrend!
Records on Both sides is SIDEWAYS activity.
So, they will use Buzzword Bingo to override what people are seeing. They will use the HALO EFFECT to explain it as "Climate Change" and the Non-Thinking NPCs will accept it gleefully.
I have a friend who just bragged about going to downtown Detroit and how nice it was... That the Dems have been doing a FINE job. (Of course, after how many bankruptcies and finally houses selling for $1 ... It changed who came in, and fixed things up. There was an offer, buy a piece of land, get the property next to it for FREE, just pay the property taxes GOING FORWARD).
Yep. they screwed the investors, the unions, the retired teachers (really cut their healthcare).
And I know a retired MI teacher. At 70 y/o she is STILL teaching in TN at a Community College. She is pissed, she cannot retire at 70. Her and her husband NEVER had kids. Both Worked, She had MI school pension. He died. At 70, she has a mortgage on her house and a car payment still. WTF? (Even after selling his car! He was upside down!) This change in health care coverage is costing her ~$250/mo right now. WTF?
Her Financial Advisor said she has to work until 72, and then it will be TIGHT... WTF?
This is a Leftist/Elitist type person. Always driving a new car. She gets his SocSec and hers, a pension check, used to get FREE Healthcare. And never saved enough to retire. No kids. And they live in a middle class neighborhood by our TN house. When he was alive, you my wife would wonder "What did he do that they can afford such nice cars, clothes, etc"... Now she knows: BORROWED! And gave NOTHING Back to society!
THIS is who we are dealing with. Deep Denial of how things ACTUALLY WORK.
Lying about Climate Change.
Lying about Sustainability of Govt Unions/Pensions! (Reagans 2 biggest mistakes: Allowing Govt Unions, and Amnesty)
I sincerely hope that America is watching...
At least this time I've got enough ice melt to dig myself out of several feet of snow. ;)
One of my favorite question to ask these people..."So, does global warming cause drought or floods? I'm confused." Haha!!!