Voluntary Sex & Voluntary Contribution
This is a great piece, and indicative of what needs to be communicated to support our message.
We need more of this sort of message...
...or we need a real Gulch.
For those who prefer Listerine, no, it does not contain a three page, unintelligible diatribe. It just gets the point across.
We need more of this sort of message...
...or we need a real Gulch.
For those who prefer Listerine, no, it does not contain a three page, unintelligible diatribe. It just gets the point across.
I am sick of the "give back" movement. Obama decreed that "you did not build that" and all the efforts someone put into building a business was done by everyone else but not the person who actually labored 24/7.
That sick logic suited Obama to a T (sick as he was in everything he has done, even in retracting these words, nevertheless it'll be his "legacy")
Give back for what?
We all do our share in society: we work, pay taxes, raise our families and trust government to help those in need. Paying taxes is a contract between citizens and the government. The government is obligated to protect citizens in exchange for the citizens providing the monetary means.
Incompetence is not factored in when the gov fails to meet that requirement.
give back = give
or you are a racist/far right/selfish/xophobe.
Ok, I am softy, I agree with helping those in need, but I do have a rather strict opinion of what need is.
It is the involuntary, forced versions that are the problem.
"Giving" as noted is 'charity', and I applaud those who give charitibly (as in: from the heart).
In private matters, give back infers an obligation incurred by someone else's giving to you. If the giving isn't voluntary with no expectation of recompense, it isn't charity, but a business transaction.
He delegated the task to his acolytes who quickly went public with "He did not say that".
Of course he did, but they span it to the extent that made the sentence unrecognizable in the end. They do that all the time.
I think this is a great tool for teaching kids.
The only objective moral taxation is voluntary. The only moral method of taxation is sales tax.....flat rate, tiered for needs then desires.
This guy could begin the process to educate the newly formed Commission On Unalienable Rights! I've requested audience twice and had no response.
Commission On Unalienable Rights?
The Chair of The Commission is Mary Ann Glendon: Former Ambassodor to Vatican and Holy See.
[And yet, Glendon is no libertarian when it comes to human rights. Her best-known book, “Rights Talk,” from 1991, laments the absence in America’s founding documents of discussion of duties and responsibilities for the common good. As she writes, “The relative inconspicuousness, in American law, of individual and collective duties to come to the aid of others, cannot be said to be without consequences for the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, and those who … are at especially high risk.”]
A subjective leader for an ambiguous council.
And, as I understand, "they" may be using The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as adopted by the UN as a base of reference.
George out to cry.
We all "pay forward". Obama's merit denial and the socialists' expropriation demands are both perversions of reality and should be resisted as such. We are all parts of the investment for the continuing survival of human society. "Society", by the way, is not a collective entity; it is only the vehicle or container in which each individual achieves individual actualization through voluntary interactions. Unfortunately, that is not how most people see it. Their hive mentality views each member as common property, from whom they can demand giveback for being allowed to live.
We have so many begging for money, or worse, begging to vote to force others to pay money.
He is asking for volunteers to send a message for less force and freedom. I will support at some point, and hope he has a nice dinner and bottle of wine as part of his compensation if he finishes.
fortable with the idea that eliminating the initiation of force would result in "statelessness". A free society could be established without that (if enough people were first converted to the right philosophy.) We could have something like the present sales tax (voluntary--and once the government were cut down to its proper functions). And whichever store owner refused to contribute would not be able to get the police to come if somebody held up his store. Also, if he came to the store in the morning and found it had been burglarized during the night. But people would be more willing to contribute, as a form of insurance against crime, if they were confident that their money was actually going for their protection, and not for studying the mating habits of the fruit fly, or submerging a crucifix in a bottle of urine and calling it "art". (As to the Federal government's proper functions, such as the military and the Supreme Court, there could be a certain percentage of whatever was in each state's coffers, maybe 25%, sent to the Federal government for that purpose, and a citizen would know that when he was paying for local law enforcement, he was also paying for national defense). Naturally, this would not pay for all the things the government does now. But one of my points is that the government shouldn't be doing those things in the first place.
I would love to have this argument someday, but doubt even my historically, long-lived genes will let that happen in a manner other than hypothetical.
How can the government "Buy Back" something it did not give or sell to you? Where does the government get the money it plans to use to "Buy Back" the guns it never owned to begin with and of course with money it first had to take from you?
When did the word "Charity" become obsolete? If Oliver has hit some hard times and can't afford to send his kids to college I will make two suggestions. He can seek some "Charitable Help" which is up to the people he asks or better yet his kids can get a damn job and pay their own way just like so many of us did in the past. BTW Beto, my guns are Not For Sale at any price so stuff that entire idea where the sun never shines.
Remember the 1950s? We oldsters know that many people then were happy with no household electronics except one black-and-white TV set, one car per family, and hands-on toys such as trucks and dolls for the children instead of battery-powered gadgets. If we promise to underwrite the purchase of such things and insist on stopping there, then leftists will be caught silent. We should also legalize boarding houses with shared bathrooms and kitchens instead of full households, reducing housing expense, and allow for light industry and multi-family residences to be located in the same region, so that transportation between home and work is by foot (cheap!).
An interim measure is to obtain compliance by indoctrination of obligation, acceptance of a burden of debt (for unspecified benefits) and the associated guilt about having allegedly unearned wealth. Imposing a sense of "duty" and then meting out the amount due that the dutiful individual should willingly provide is an open-ended device for serfdom.
And who are those in charge of imposing these sanctimonious "memes"? There are always rulers and subjects, without the protection of the principle of unalienable rights and individual equality. It took humanity tens of thousands of years to arrive at the U.S. Constitution. No wonder movements arise to undo it. Among the unalienable rights is the right to property one has created or earned. The desire to obtain the unearned is an ancient modus operandi we inherited from our predatory animal ancestors.
The more complex our brains have become, the more devious and convoluted are the methods by which we disguise our rapacious inclinations. It is the rare individual who understands the principle of rational self-interest, of voluntary exchange with others for mutual benefit, in honor and integrity. Ayn Rand has produced the clearest exposition of these principles. Too bad so few people as yet understand or practice them.
Voluntary donation without expectation of return has a different selfish benefit: it is investment in the improvement of someone else’s efficacy and independence. Caring for parents in their declining years is also appropriate; it is investment in the happiness and comfort (“quality of life”) of individuals who invested many years of their own lives in raising their children.
So beware of accepting unearned guilt and arbitrary duties.