This is just another attempt to delay and avoid doing anything of real import on real issues. Trump should just deny the request and tell them that he'll be happy to release to the public the histories of Kagan and Sotomayor...
I hope the Republicans are paying attention to this and learning how it is done....although if the shoe was on the other foot, the press would not be carrying water for republicans the way they are for the Democrats. That is really the only way they are getting away with this BS....that and the fact that we have an activist left leaning court system.
Good point Exceller. Don’t forget Roberts .Like FISA , this harassment goes both ways . While we are at it , how is the mysterious RBG’s health. She sure survives deadly cancers pretty well. I guess that should not be a surprise as she was the epitome health prior to the lung cancer.
No, I think even her death will not be a big deal to Trump at this particular point, I am betting they have the candidate picked out and ready to go, and has been very, very well vetted.
I said 'hidden" because Nadler claimed he needed it for some sort of guide for supreme court justices. He wants to figure any way they can get rid of Kavanaugh, discredit him, or get to Trump.
Wasn't trying to correct you. :-) Simply pointing out that 1) their intentions are apparent to most of us, including you, and 2) geeze they must think we are so dumb....but yeah, he will do anything. The desperation is palpable.
This idiot is pushing too far.
She sure survives deadly cancers pretty well.
I guess that should not be a surprise as she was the epitome health prior to the lung cancer.