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1. The economy is in a sh*t hole.
2. It's getting worse.
3. What there is of the economy is a full-spectrum fraud.
Then I calmly walk through the details. Then I am told that I simply hate this current president because he is black. Since there are only so many hours in the day, I have reduced my dialog with these liberals (in the context of discussions regarding Reality) and instead work to CYA is things continue to deteriorate.
Should I have the right as a business owner to discriminate based on the health of the employee to save money?
As a business owner, you should be able to discriminate against employees for any reason whatsoever. I certainly wish Wal-mart could get away with discriminating against employees based on their health; the healthy among us have to work harder to pick up the slack for the aged and infirm among us. But we don't get paid more.
I am back with a vengeance now, though.
Why? If I my folks had gotten me 36 #2 pencils at the start of my 1st grade school year, a week later I'd have probably had six left. But, the supplies aren't kept by the student, or kept for the student, but held collectively by the teacher. Which means my co-worker was buying school supplies to be used by someone not-his-kid.
And if I didn't work there, I wouldn't be able to afford to go to Walmart.
I wish I had a dollar for every time a customer came up to me, when I was pushing a buffer or wielding a mop, and began asking me where merchandise was; I'd be rich. The best I can do for them is get them to the right department and hopefully point them at the stocker for that department, assuming the stocker isn't at break or lunch.
Then there's the daywalker (daytime associate) I spoke with yesterday morning, who, while stocking the back to school department had a customer come up to her and tell her, "get me this". The daywalker pointed right at the product, one aisle over, two shelves down, and told them where it was. The customer repeated, "get it for me".
This is not conducive to cheerful customer service.
The other night I and my partner were trying to wax the entire toy department. We use orange construction fencing to divide the area, because the ropes we used to use with signs did not deter. (I tried various signs, the most effective of which said, "DANGER! DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE! KEEP OUT! CLOSED AREA! DANGER!")
A young black couple, late teens maybe (the boy was as big as the guy who was shot in Ferguson), walked up to the fence near me, and the boy asked me what if they wanted to walk there. I told him that's why we had the fence up. "Where would you wax if we walked through there?" I repeated, this is where we're waxing, that's why the fence is there. He then said, "so the store is closed?" I replied, "no, just this part of it."
About this time, his girlfriend was pantomiming behind him to me, mouthing, "say nothing".
He said, "but how can it be closed when I can break through it like this?" And then he tore the top section of the fencing.
At which point I loosened my box knife conspicuously in its holster as I continued to smile and look him right in the eye. He noticed the motion, and followed his girlfriend away from the area.
Based on the information I had, I didn't know if he was high, or what his intentions were. If he continued to break my fence, I would have given him one warning, then turned him into catfood. That may be a lousy way to treat customers, but I'd rather be alive and whole than the ideal customer service rep.
That's a split infinitive, isn't it?
Should have been, "I conspicuously loosened my knife in its holster"
or, "I loosened my knife in its holster, conspicuously."
Sorry about that.
It still didn't look right.
Dangling participle?
This is the upside. Neighborhood markets have smaller staff, and lower overhead.
If you call in to Wal-mart, they can see if we have any 22LR in, and, at least at our store, you can get them to hold a box or two for you for "awhile" (maybe an hour or so after 7am... can't sell ammo here before 7am).
They see through The SPIN.
The most common response from 20-somethings, talking about *The Recovery* is:
"What Recovery?!
"Would I still be in this crappy job if there were a real Recovery going on?!"
Sad, 25, saddled with debt, and can't plan for a future.
No job is truly crappy. Any job worth doing is worth doing well AND you still have your free time to develop your talents.
I began my own business in my spare time and within a couple of years could work full-time at said business.
If you are here in the Gulch, you hold much promise.
My unsolicited advice is to avoid these people. Find people who are not in a crappy job, are making things happen, (i.e. the rich people who some love to hate) and help them do their thing. If you're like me you graduated from college at age 22, and three years seems like forever, but another three years will pass soon enough, and you want to be doing something really cool at that time.
I took a job at age 24 that was really good at first, but I stayed there for five years after I had learned everything I needed from them. I was cautious. I had negative or zero net worth at that time. It seemed like a big deal, but what I needed was not worry about it and go find some people who were kicking butt and solving problems. Being around people who are victims or are waiting for a politician before finding someone's problem and serving people (for money) wears you down and you don't even know it. "The recovery" doesn't exist per se. It's all people going out and helping one another for money.
Good. They're supposed to be the move-fast-and-break-things generation, according to the stereotype. It's unbecoming for them to wait for politicians to take action.
sure sign of an obama economy. -- j
It wouldn't be abnormal to have a recession five years after the last one, but I suspect the expansion will go on for another two years. This expansions is different from all the previous ones in my life b/c of the low rates, so I expected to see inflation and rising real rates prior to the next recession. These are unusual times for monetary policy.
Instead, I would say the economy isn't recovering as fast as Wall Street expects, which explains why stock multiples are still very high.
However, if you look at Union Pacific Railroad earnings, they're good. If you look at Disney, they're earnings are good. If you look at Chipotle's earnings, they're also good.
The electronics world appears to be going strong too.
I expect another two years of expansion, but my crystal ball sucks. If I had any ability to predict, I'd be getting rich trading options.
However, seeing multiples in the 18-22 range doesn't give me a lot of confidence either. I'd like to see those back down to the 12-16 range.
They're not. They're making do. They are not replacing, they are fixing. They are buying more hamburger instead of steaks and chops. They are looking for the bargains. They are doing without. When the country is being run by a government with an anti-business mentality and an obvious anti-American attitude -- what would you expect?
So where is the solution? To me, businesses should pay people the amount they have set aside for healthcare and let the individual decide which coverage to buy with their own money. Insurance companies should be able to sell a variety of products to suit the needs of individual customers. If the gov't wanted provide universal coverage for catastrophic costs, then companies could also offer gap insurance.
ObamaCare as it stands today is a bullying mechanisms to force businesses and individuals into 1 choice, with different premiums and copays. These differences are cosmetic, if you save on premium you pay on deductibles. And, all cover the same basics. There is no choice at any level. In making this demand Obama is asking business to cast aside the working model used since industrial revolution and create a new one that pays for his personal legacy. The only ways to do that are; we all take a hair cut, we all increase our productivity, business and stock holders take a cut, or it's all passed on to the consumer. Any one of these tighten the economy. Either things cost more, or workers get less. Productivity increases come from innovation not Presidential pronouncements.
Lay that over a foundation of many people living from pay to pay and you have trouble. There is no disposable income. Money saved this month is spent next month on higher fuel costs. Food and fuel prices continue to climb while our government says there is no sign of inflation. Our President makes speeches everyday on every subject from the improving employment numbers to surrendering personal freedom to a sovereign government capable of caring for all.
People will follow a leader if we had one. Thank goodness Obama is not a leader. With his Communist/Socialist belief system if he were charismatic like Reagan, Thatcher, Churchill, Roosevelt or Hitler the stars on our flag would already be replaced by a hammer a sickle. By his own admission he leads from behind, which we all know is spin for "following"!
Here's my long term prediction and the situation I prepare for each day.
This will go on as is for a period of time. More and more boomers collecting Social Security benefits they have been taxed for their entire life. More and more medicare. More food stamps. More illegals. More technology to replace labor with more laborers receiving benefits. At some point, the checks will bounce. That will be the awhah! moment. When BabyBoomer Bob doesn't get his direct deposit...suddenly he has to solve his own problem.
That is the driving force of freedom. When people solve their own problems. When the checks all bounce and people begin solving their own problems we will suddenly begin to find real solutions for all the political issues. Until then politicians will spin and the over burdened economy will suffer fits and starts.
Wouldn't healthy people paying higher premiums be offset by sick people paying lower premiums?
I understand the idea that gov't dicking around with the market stifles growth, innovation, etc, but the short-term effect of socializing risk of being sick should be a wash.
The squeeze on some demographics won't be noticed...after all, it's just a small percentage, right? That some producers will have to scale back, or put on hold, their plans shouldn't matter that much...they can afford it, right? That someone with a great new business idea is hesitant to start up because of all the healthcare and legal hassles won't be noticed....
After all, "what difference at this point does it make?"
This will most likely be a mixed bag of decisions with workers seeing the full spectrum of unexpected consequences. The bottom line for me is health care represents 17-18% of GNP. The best growth year we have had since the crash has bee 2.5% up. If our benevolent dictator tampers with 17% and your best is 2.5% growth where does that leave us? My guess is somewhere between -5% and -15%. How can that be? Look at the history of things he has "fixed" and winners he has picked. He a card carrying socialist, his fix is not what the Doctor ordered.
The $40 in my check would do my health more good than insurance I won't use, especially with the cost of groceries going up.