American photojournalist James Foley possibly beheaded by ISIS
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 5 months ago to Video
This is disturbing in the extreme. These thugs are evil to their core. Their belief system in based in hatred, intolerance and cruelty. This is what we can expect more of because of the weak president we currently have in office.
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Add to that the religious permission to perpetrate any manner of heinous crime or act, as long as it is in the name of the pagan moon god, and you have a nasty uncivilized force to deal with. One of the greatest tragedies of man's history is the fact that Islam didn't die with Mohammed. His immediate followers grew too powerful and rich to let it go, so we suffer with it to this day. Seventh century Arabian tribal mind set with 21st century weapons. Bad mix. BUT, THIS IS WHAT ISLAM IS!