Kentucky student’s lawsuit against The Washington Post has been dismissed
One has to wonder who appointed THAT judge. This is the bias, and the entire deep state machine in action, try to use the legal system and get bizarre results. Funny who owns the Post. Funny YouTubers could get the whole story in less than 12 hours when it happened, funny the Post was unable to report "fairly". Yet, it seems so easy to find Judges that will shutdown long standing federal law, and then SCOTUS turns them over and says it was ok to do.
But that isn't really the issue at all - and this judge knows it. The real issue was how the event was covered by the press and their intentional defamation of Sandmann.
I heard it was because they supposedly did not name him. Also 1st amendment was cited. The Case may be appealed. There are many other targets in the legal actions.
Agreeing with EVERYONE that this was CLEARLY a hit piece against "MAGA" which is a hit piece against Political Affiliation.
We have people USING this as an example as to why we SHOULD NOT let our kids wear MAGA stuff...
After this, I upgraded my MAGA Hat to A MAGA Bathing Suit... Because it's much harder to remove! Screw 'EM!