Clinton had ties to Epstein dating back to the early '90s
Gee, despite numerous denials, diversions and misleading statements apparently the MSM is now ackowledging what we have know for a long time. Amazing how accurate the "Q Anon conspiracy" is, since Q has posted all this over a year ago.....
She is no longer needed by the left, and may be discarded and treated like a normal person now. See how much she likes the oligarchy now.
If you have an open mind, and can see past politics, and can take various bits of data and see a picture, you will become very, very concerned for our future, but you will also understand why the democrats are so obsessed with Trump and getting rid of him by any means they can.
Oh, and speaking of rape, there's this:
"F--k", however, is one of those nebulous "words" which can be used in virtually ANY context and can have virtually any meaning, depending on the subject to which it's attached. Contrary to your comment, it is published far and wide. It is, however, considered to be very gauche, coarse and tasteless and many individuals/sites have banned it. I t's pretty tasteless and I'm quite sure that Miss Rand would not have accepted it in her world. : )
Those that proclaim such nonsense that we are better because of diversity should get a mixed bag of blood should they ever need a transfusion.
But you'd not hear a word of that on CNN.