Ayn Rand Bot, Established 2011, Removed from Facebook
“Amy's Ayn Rand Bot page on Facebook was “unpublished” for six days. She doesn't have all the details, but tells Yaron what she know and discuss how to evaluate Facebook, given that experience.”
We can still communicate on this website.
book. We can do without them and just tell them where to go.
Ones that sell actual products, or even solicit membership or donations, however, are operating where what they are doing is the product. This is, in my view, possibly the single most important aspect people need (or needed) to understand about companies like twitter and Facebook.
Some who are taking hits to their own pocketbook are slowly, often very slowly, beginning to realize this. I’ve enjoyed seeing the expression in many a person’s face after I explain to them and they realize what that means. Without exception every one of them has stopped using Facebook and/or Twitter.
This effect isn’t limited to a political party or ideology either. My wife’s social groups tend to be of the leftist bent, and it is happening even among them.
Also, why do almost all the big tech social media companies not specify what the actual crime you are being accused of is, so you can address it directly in order to prove yourself innocent, or even to be able to learn from your mistake?
A: Political ideology
I am a truther. I happen to think the truth is what lacks in today’s culture.
But we are concerned with facts and causality, not "factoid" conspiracy mongering and the Evil Man theory of history. Ayn Rand was not a Bircher, and didn't confuse facts with "factoids" or objectivity with "truthers".
is another of your snide sneers.
I have suggested people listen to Norman Dodd’s interview.
Of course you have no idea who he is. Because you deny connections of people that are hellbent on destroying this constitutional Republic.
Please tell me what a truther is and why you are opposed to the truth.
JBS became a laughing stock, which the left exploited to discredit anyone rejecting communism. JBS was well known when Ayn Rand was writing, and became and still is the symbol of the conspiracy mentality that Ayn Rand rejected.
The Truthers have the same mentality but promote the conspiracy theory that 911 was a secret government plot, much like the insistence that the moon landing was faked, and denouncing the success of Google and blaming the disruption of the Kavanaugh hearings as CIA plots.
It's the same emotionalist mentality. Conspiracy mongering is not truth. Emotionally clinging to it while claiming "connections" does not make it "The Truth".
Read their guidelines and much of it sounds reasonable, until you get to the loaded, open-ended catch phrases like "hate speech", which turn out to mean whatever they don't like because it's "offensive" to the left, i.e., ideas and principles they don't like.
They have no concept of moral rights and regard choice in who you associate with as inherently 'racist' -- under an equivocation on being discriminating. They are now lobbying for government regulations on the practice and interpretation of the 'guidelines' as the form of Canadian/European-style censorship imposing their own subjective dictates.