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- 51Posted by freedomforall 1 week ago to Congress Gives Itself A Raise: TRAITOR SCUM LOOTER PARASITE Johnson Tries To Ram Through Pork-Filled Funding PackageThe CON-GRESS continuing funding resolution also contains language that allows
Congress to block subpoenas for House data - which could prevent an investigation
into the Jan. 6 committee and their unconstitutional acts convicting innocent people.
This CON-GRESS DESERVES TO BE TRIED AND EXECUTED FOR TREASON. - 52Posted by freedomforall 1 week ago to Congress Gives Itself A Raise: TRAITOR SCUM LOOTER PARASITE Johnson Tries To Ram Through Pork-Filled Funding PackageUpdate (1308ET):
The new spending package isn't just riddled with pork as detailed below, it's packed full of weaponized pork.
For starters, it gives the Global Engagement Center - the government's censorship juggernaut, additional funding FOR 9 MORE YEARS. It is unconstitutional in many ways.
KILL THIS BILL or to all the con-gress-critters that vote in favor of it. - 53Me dino really liked that 'un too.
- 54Posted by CaptainKirk 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?This was no accident. The EPA was designed to stop production in America. Just like stocks have "Sector Rotations". The BOSSES like to do Country Rotations. Where they build up, sell out (destroy) one country, and replace it with another. Keep cycling around, and it's endless wealth.
And when people do not willingly move. They get the laws changed, or issue CARBON Credits, and squeeze you out of business with competition and hiring your talent away. - 55Posted by mccannon01 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?True in some cases, but I’ve worked in China and many of us Americans can work circles around those people. However, even with that said, let’s not underestimate them.
- 56Posted by mccannon01 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?“…manufacturing of everything we need…” almost as if they are grooming us to be Eloi and they are the Morlocks. Just listen for the siren to call us in.
- 57President Trump is the perfect storm.
Great bunch today! - 58Posted by term2 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?Trump is not perfect by any means. He was just a LOT better than Kamala et al. All politicians are defective and have no problem spending OUR money.
- 59Posted by freedomforall 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?Not if he continues to throw away our money on appointments like Herschel Walker as ambassador.
The guy can't even arrange his own thoughts rationally.
Why pay the guy 6 figures when he has $10 million in assets from playing football and has a
brain illness making him incompetent at any job requiring use of a brain?
If Trump wants to pay him off then give him a job at one of Trump's hotels. - 60Posted by term2 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?IMHO Chinese work harder than americans, and that why they are successful by comparison.
- 61Posted by term2 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?China got all this money because WE sent it to them by buying their goods. We bought their goods (and I am guilty of this too) because they were cheaper than our overpriced and over regulated goods (and still are). In the meantime, we in america didnt accept that our manufacturing was outdated, and that this required us to learn new skills to compete. We didnt do that, and now we face economic consequences.
- 62Posted by term2 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?CCP will do whatever makes china great. we should make america great, which hopefully will happen under Trump
- 63Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 week ago to For years the CCP has been sending millions to US universities and NGOs to promote Green Energy. Cui Bono?China knows what is efficient. Oil and Gas is cheap and effective, so get everyone else off it.
Perfect attack on the sheeple of the US and Europe. - 64The SIDS one is hard to correlate, but neither should have taken the COVID vax. Children never needed it. The 15 yr old sounds just like every one where a young person has an issue from it.
- 65I like to say, "I know a great deal about very little."
My dad was, if there is such a thing, a vaccine addict. He fully believed that his key to living a long life was take every pharmaceutical offered by a doctor...especially vaccines. I warned him, "Dad, you're going to hurt yourself with this." Then, one day he showed up at my house with his face sagging and slightly slurring his speech. Got him to the doctor who thought it was a stroke. As my dad finally became completely paralyzed, and was given no more than a week to live, I sent the doctor a written note that said, "My dad's antibodies are probably elevated. That's why you can't find his stroke. I think he has myasthenia gravis." My dad said the doctor came into his room - feeding tube hanging out of my dad's mouth. Six other doctors also came in. The doc said, "We got a note from your son and we're going to put something in your IV that will knock down your antibodies. If he's right you'll be able to move again for a couple minutes." It worked. They actually did it twice because one of the doctors asked to, "I've never seen that before!" My dad called when he got home and said (and he and i didn't really get along all the time),, "Son - You saved my life." I said, "Great. Now quit being a pain in my ass." And, we laughed. He lived on infusions for 5 years that knocked down his antibodies. When Covid arrived he decided to go into the hospital (that attitude of his...) for an angio test he didn't really need...against my warnings. Caught Covid there and died in a couple days.
I personally knew two children who were killed by vaccines. One was an infant ("SIDS"). The other was a 15 year old boy who was my son's friend. The boy got a flu shot and his immune system shut down from it. Ended up dying a miserable death with MRSA in his lungs. 25 days in his mom pulled the plug on his ventilator. I'll never forget that.
I could tell you stuff over a beer that would blow your mind... I wish I didn't know any of it. - 66I have no idea what to guess for each of the suggestions that I do. Was he drinking (and doing a lot of it)?
I am an engineer too, and I know lots of things most people don't. Not sure why that is really relevant, unless someone else is appealing to the expert. - 67Thanks. Consider sticking around. When this whole shebang collapses, good people will have to put freedom back together.
- 68Posted by freedomforall 1 week, 1 day ago to Trump Versus Reality, Part One, by Robert GoreGreat analysis, RG.
We'll have to wait and see what comes next.
Living quietly in non-aligned countries sounds better all the time. - 69Notice the news that "polio has been detected in the sewers of NY!" Newsflash...It's always been there. Polio has been eradicated (I don't like saying this...) regardless of vaccination status. Polio is why we have wet p-traps, dual check valve backflow preventers and chlorinated swimming pools. Tetanus was eradicated with the automobile...maybe 5 to 10 cases in the US each year, and it's cured with an antibiotic (because it's a simple bacteria). I'm a real hoot at cocktail parties because I know all the infection control trivia you could imagine - for my work.
Get this...what actually killed my dad wasn't just the C19 virus. What really killed him is that he had been living for 5 years with infusion treatments because 5 years earlier he became COMPLETELY paralyzed on a feeding tube in an ICU. His infusion treatments were to REDUCE his antibodies- making him very vulnerable to Covid. His antibodies had become so elevated that they started attacking his muscular neurons and he couldn't move. Guess why his antibodies turned on him. I diagnosed him when his doctor said, "We think it's a stroke but we can't find it." The doc was wrong. I was right. Just take a guess what my dad was doing to elevate his antibodies (and he was doing a lot of it).
I know things almost nobody knows because I've seen things almost nobody has seen. Dagny Taggert said it best. "I studied engineering. When I see something, I see it." - 70I stopped at "look at".
Look at autism in 1900 vs now? We should reverse the industrial revolution!
We are happy to argue correlation vs causation for AGW, but for vaccines it is the wild west of logical fallacies. - 71I guess we have that straight. Nothing is without risk. Got it.
Not sure how the other "vaccines" stack up, but I if you don't take a Polio vaccine, you forego ALL public support for your potential challenges. Too bad it didn't kill FDR 20 years earlier! - 72Posted by dougthorburn 1 week, 1 day ago to Autism - Vaccination - Link?Actually, vaccines cause nearly all cases of autism. Talk to mothers with autistic children.
Look at the chart of childhood vaccines in the mid'80s: five or so. Autism: one in ten thousand. Today: 75 vaccines. Autism: one in 30. There are no other causative agents. Carbs were already good and fats were already bad. Seed oils were already permeating the food supply. There is nothing else comparable.
BTW, SIDS, too. There are virtually no cases of SIDS in the two weeks prior to baby "well" visits. Nearly all such cases occur in the two weeks following such visits.
Look at the money pediatricians make from administering vaccines. Consider the fact that so few of us exhibit the most important human attribute: integrity. Many doctors and nearly all administrators completely lack this attribute. You will not get the truth from them. - 73"no, zero, zilch link between autism and vaccines"
"Prevecid, is far, far worse than any (and I mean any) covid symptom"
Well....My son got autism from four vaccines (including the MMR, which he was given way too early by any current standards) given at one visit at the age of 8 months. And, my dad died a miserable death of Covid. The only thing that saved my son was my own research in a couple of laboratories that showed a plethora of toxins in his body at 12-months age (some of which we know come from vaccines). I can explain why those toxins harm some and not others, but it's late and I have work to do. Can explain later. "The original was fabricated" I assume is a reference to Andrew Wakefield. Well, I've met with Andrew face-to-face about 13 years ago and discussed what I found with him. It was very interesting.
But, let's get something straight. Anybody can claim that there is no risk to any amount of vaccines given to a baby at any age. What they can't do (as long as we have the 2nd amendment) is mandate vaccines on people. If vaccines are fully safe and effective then knock yourself out with them and don't worry about other people....because you're fully, safely protected. Right? Right... - 74Posted by dougthorburn 1 week, 1 day ago to Autism - Vaccination - Link?Anyone who reads, "Turtles All the Way Down," "Poisoned Needle," and/or "Moth in the Iron Lung," will never take another "vaccine" again.
This, from someone who was the most pro-vaxx guy you'd ever talk to as of the beginning of 2020. I didn't take this "vaccine" because I learned quickly that a year of "trials" (there weren't any) did not compare with the shortest pre-approval study of any prior vaccine, which was five years. I didn't even begin to question the other vaccines until 2022 (up to 2020 I took ever vaccine for which I was eligible--a term of propaganda), when I stumbled onto a little fact: there were mass protests against mandatory smallpox vaccines in the late 1800s in large cities that had such requirements.
I asked a simple question: why would there have been mass protests against innoculations that purportedly protected us against a disease with a 30% kill rate?
What I learned astounded even me: the mass innoculations were causing mass outbreaks of smallpox.
Sort of like this "vaccine" makes it more likely to get the Fauci-Wuhan Virus not just once, but multiple times.
That began my trajectory down multiple rabbit holes. Today, I wouldn't take a rabies or tetanus shot.
And what I figured out is the example of Ignaz Semmelweis was not an outlier. It is the history of medicine. And that vaccines are the biggest psy-op in world history, bigger than Marxism. Those living under that horrendous system generally didn't believe in it. Those living with vaccines? Nearly everyone has believed in the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Even me. Until 2022. - 75Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 1 day ago to Next Pardons? Jan 6 Committee Members. (D.C. NIFO)The Marxist Democrat party will do whatever it has to in order to protect its own and advance its cause. The American constitutional and legal systems offer many opportunities to aid their endeavors.