Total Points: 16
Location: WA
Landed: 12 years ago
Last Seen: 12 years ago
I've known what evil was in store for our nation since I was a small boy. By the time I reached high school I understood why things were happening. But shortly after I turned 21, I was approached by a man who claimed to know my grandfather. He said his name was George. He never gave me a last name. But he did give me specifics on what was to come... At first I had trouble believing him, but after things started actually happening based exactly on his blueprint, I took a closer look at the notes he left me. I was terrified at what I saw... The last decade especially frightens me. His predictions were very precise. In 2007, under terrible economic pressure of moochers and leeches, I surrendered my business. It was my first shrugging. Over the last year I have begin shrugging family members who are among the worst of the moochers. I was once successful, now I'm broke. But I still have my mind and my soul and that is all I need. I am already planning my third and final shrug. I cannot be a party to the coming massacre. When I shrug, I will not be found unless it is my intent to be found by another shrugger. George was my whisper in the darkness. He was my Galt. Maybe I can be someone else's Galt one day. In the mean time, are there any recommendations for a good place to shrug?
- 1I've known for some time... (self.the gulch: introductions)
Posted by Rainmaker 12 years ago to The Gulch: Introductions