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  • Posted by skidance 5 years, 8 months ago
    Since Democrats have a super-majority in the Oregon legislature, no matter how many Republicans show up to vote, the Dems will ram their policies and bills through. This particular legislation was written with an "emergency clause," which forever would preclude the public from voting on it, as is required for all tax measures. Whatever the Democrats wish to call them, their desperation to raise money (taxes) has caused them to evade constitutional requirements. I fully support the Republicans, as well as a couple of Democrats who joined them, for their action. And yes, both parties in several states have used this tactic.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 5 years, 8 months ago
    If it were "the will of the people", I might go along with it. However, new laws forced through, by the liberal masses in places like Portland and Seattle, do not necessarily represent "the people".

    Unlike Wisconsin, I think this action could actually derail Brown's "global warming" least, until emotion stops ruling our lawmaking process and we get back to scientific fact.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 5 years, 8 months ago
    When a representative's constituents are mostly farmers, what is that representative to do when the state legislature, controlled by city lunatics, decides to drive his/her constituents out of business because they use tractors for farming?
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  • Posted by MikePusatera 5 years, 8 months ago
    Unfortunately these Republican Senators are wrong. They need to show up and do their jobs. I think Democrats did do this in Texas. I know when Scott Walker (one of greatest Governors I have ever followed) was first elected the Wisconsin Democrat reps and Senators refused to show up so that there would not be a quorum. You either believe in the will of the people or you do not.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 8 months ago
      Sorry Mike, they are right. The demonrats pushed through their own law, their own rules and their own words, and ignored the Republicans completely. They invented the "Eco Police", "If you are believed to have violated this law, or are thought to have violated it, you may be penalized.." They want 2.5 billion and have no plan on how to spend it. China, Russia and India produce 75% of the greenhouse emissions, the rest of the world 25%, it is insane to even think the 3% Oregon represents is a valid reason to inflict this burden on the rural populations (which it does). The sheeple in the demonrat ghettos of Portland, Eugene and Corvallis don't worry, they have public transportation, everything is conveniently nearby, so they can be eco friendly and bike or walk, so this does not impact them (except when food rises 15%, fuel 15%, electricity 15%, but surely there will be subsidies to help....). Oregon has enacted 8 billion in new taxes and fees this year, 6 billion last. Funny, PERS is 10 billion in the hole this year, and was 5.5 billion in the hole last year, but never went down the tubes, why? Because we stole the money to keep it solvent one more year. Next year they will need 10 billion. All taxes are required to be voted on by the people. None were. All the Supreme Court judges and State appeals court judges are appointed by the governor. It is one of the best cases (beyond Kalifornia) for the stupidity of mob rule, where a majority imposes itself on the minority, and shows the fallacy of democracy. Given enough idiots, you can vote your way to disease and starvation.
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 5 years, 8 months ago
      I agree: they need to show up and do their jobs. This happened in Indiana in 2011 when we were trying to make Indiana a Right-To-Work state. Dems walked out to prevent a quorum and thus prevent a vote. My opinion is that the Rs in Oregon are just as wrong now as the Ds were in Indiana eight years ago. They were elected to do a job, and I feel they had/have an obligation to do that job. Don't like what's happening? Get more of your party members in power the next election and you can call the shots.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 8 months ago
    I wonder if she'll be able to enforce that $500/day fine!
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 8 months ago
      Nope. Like most demonrats, they lie, cajole, threaten and then...expire.It is a violation of the state Constitution to have any one of a number of the taxes they have passed in the last three years, but, how do you fight back? The state judges throw out any challenges, they refuse to hear cases challenging the constitutionality and they just changes the law to make it that much harder to get an initiative on the ballot to stop it. It is a pure example of the socialist heaven Bernie and Occasionally Uses Cortex have offered all the sheeple....
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  • Posted by 5 years, 8 months ago
    “Why did the politicians flee?

    Oregon Democrats are trying to become the second US state to pass an ambitious “cap and trade” climate plan.
    House Bill 2020 would set overall limits on state carbon emissions, with permits or allowances auctioned off to polluting industries.

    “The Republicans released a statement explaining their walkout.

    Nehanda Radio Middle of Article
    “Oregonians deserve better. It’s time for the majority party to consider all Oregonians – not just the ones in Portland,” Senate Republican Leader Herman Baerschiger Jr said regarding the rural-city divide.”
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 8 months ago
      Even the eco nuts don't want this and see it as the illegal means to get money and not do what it is being sold as:

      Now get the "penalties part of theis trainwreck:

      SECTION 11.Enforcement procedures; status of procedures.(1) Whenever the ClimatePolicy Office has good cause to believe that any person is engaged in or is about to engagein any acts or practices that constitute a violation of sections 15 to 40 of this 2019 Act, orany rule, standard or order adopted or entered pursuant sections 15 to 40 of this 2019 Act,the office may institute actions or proceedings for legal or equitable remedies to enforcecompliance or to restrain further violations.(2) The proceedings authorized by subsection (1) of this section may be instituted withoutthe necessity of prior agency notice, hearing and order, or during an agency hearing if thehearing has been initially commenced by the office.(3) The provisions of this section are in addition to and not in substitution of any othercivil or criminal enforcement provisions available to the office.SECTION 12.Civil penalties. (1) As used in this section:(a) “Intentional” means conduct by a person with a conscious objective to cause the re-sult of the conduct.(b) “Reckless” means conduct by a person who is aware of and consciously disregards a[11]
      B-Eng. HB 2020substantial and unjustifiable risk that the result will occur or that the circumstance exists.The risk must be of such nature and degree that disregard thereof constitutes a gross devi-ation from the standard of care a reasonable person would observe in that situation.(2) In addition to any other liability or penalty provided by law, the Climate Policy Officemay impose a civil penalty on a person for any of the following:(a) A violation of a provision of sections 15 to 40 of this 2019 Act or rules adopted undersections 15 to 40 of this 2019 Act.(b) Submitting any record, information or report required by sections 15 to 40 of this 2019Act or rules adopted under sections 15 to 40 of this 2019 Act that falsifies or conceals amaterial fact or makes any false or fraudulent representation.(3) Each day of violation under subsection (2) of this section constitutes a separate of-fense.(4)(a) The office shall adopt by rule a schedule of civil penalties that may be imposed for violations described in subsection (2) of this section. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)and (c) of this subsection, a civil penalty may not exceed $10,000 per offense.(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this subsection, the civil penalty for a violation described in subsection (2) of this section arising from an intentional, reckless or negligentact may not exceed $25,000 per offense.(c) In addition to any other civil penalty provided by law, the civil penalty for a violation described in subsection (2) of this section may include an amount equal to an estimate of theeconomic benefit received as a result of the violation.(5) In imposing a civil penalty pursuant to this section, the office shall consider the fol-lowing factors:(a) The history of the person incurring the civil penalty in taking all feasible steps orprocedures necessary or appropriate to correct any violation.(b) Any actions taken by the person to mitigate the violation.(c) Any prior act that resulted in a violation described in subsection (2) of this section.(d) The economic and financial conditions of the person incurring the civil penalty.(e) The gravity and magnitude of the violation.(f) Whether the violation was repeated or continuous.(g) Whether the cause of the violation was an unavoidable accident, negligence or an in-tentional act.(h) The person’s cooperativeness and efforts to correct the violation.(i) Whether the person incurring the civil penalty gained an economic benefit as a resultof the violation.(6) Civil penalties under this section must be imposed in the manner provided by ORS183.745. All civil penalties recovered under this section shall be paid to the Oregon Depart-ment of Administrative Services for deposit with the State Treasurer to the credit of the Oregon Climate Action Program Operating Fund established under section 39 of this 2019Act and may be used only pursuant to section 39 (3) of this 2019 Act.

      Link to the full train wreck, bridges and all:
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 8 months ago
      This happened in Texas but I can't recall what the issue was.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 8 months ago
        Yep, I remember that, but also can't for the life of me remember the problem.

        Here's a description in Wikipedia (without citations, but it does come back to me now, and it seems to be factual in the basic ideas):

        "The Texas Eleven were a group of Texas Senate Democrats who fled Texas for Albuquerque, New Mexico for 46 days in 2003 aimed at preventing the passage of controversial redistricting legislation that was intended to benefit Texas Republicans. A group of Texas House representatives, dubbed the Killer Ds, had fled the state for neighboring Oklahoma earlier that same summer for the same reason. However, the quorum-busting tactic was ineffective as the redistricting plan was later passed."

        Editing to add: as much as I dislike the government of OR, I have to think that the citizens elected these people (both D and R) for a reason, and so they shouldn't run off whenever things look "bad" for their side.
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 8 months ago
    Wow! So there is even a worse State than CA!

    I was aware of this woman's antics but this is way over the line.

    Climate bill? The religion of the Nazi left which they use for control.

    The left epitomizes the worst of Nazi/communist authoritarianism.
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    • Posted by bsmith51 5 years, 8 months ago
      Oregonians of Portland and Eugene have for over 50 years referred to their state as "Ecotopia," the place for those who have fled San Francisco because it's just too dang conservative. Unlike Washington state, which recognizes the role of business in financing socialism, these "Keep Portland Weird" Oregonians want to keep their socialism pure by driving business out.
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      • Posted by exceller 5 years, 8 months ago
        Oh, boy! And I thought Californians were the weirdest on the West Coast.

        I believe this must be true, considering the news percolating to us from above.

        I used to know someone who lived in PA then moved back to OR where she was born. She was the nut of nuts when it came to liberal politics.
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