The Golden Pinnacle

Posted by coaldigger 10 years, 6 months ago to Books
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Thanks to whoever recommended this book some time back which I ordered immediately and put on my to-do list. I have been reading bios of the founding fathers and have not had time for any fiction lately. Also, there are a lot of yard and garden chores in the summer but I tweaked my back and needed something to do and settled in with this book. I have always been an admirer of this period in history and the titans that created our industrial might and this was a good tribute to them. Mr. Gore is a very accomplished guy, a decent writer and his Objectivist beliefs are well stated by Daniel Durand. I recommend this novel to all.
Many years ago I read a novel much like this but it centered around an average Joe that worked for Andrew Melon I Pittsburgh during this era. I have tried to find it but have been unsuccessful. Does anyone remember reading this?

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  • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
    I will do my duty tomorrow sir! My last purchase from them was "Meet you in Hell" by Les Standiford. I meant to pan it for it's progressive, pro-union bias but I may have forgotten. While I am on the site, I may rave on your work and do a pigeon drop in his.
    Except for poor John, my family is much like Daniel's except Tom is my oldest, Will is the middle son, Laura is his twin sister and Alexander is the youngest. "Tommy's" company is Fountainhead Irrigation and he is resolute in his adherence to the principles. I am the old codger raving at the demons that are destroying the promise of the founding fathers and my Eleanor is trying to keep everyone in line so she can enjoy her grandchildren.
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