A Postmodern Postmortem
Posted by Solver 5 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
Great, but deep and longer, talk between Benjamin Boyce (from the infamous Evergreen college) and James Lindsay (writer and speaker on the excesses of Grievance Studies and has long been studying the influence of postmodern thought on present day puritanical political correctness.)
If you’re really interested in finding out why goal posts in schools, colleges, universities, media, news and politics are moving further and further to the authoritarian and socialist left, this is a video you should watch.
Explains in detail the awokening, identity gnosticism and the rise of an authoritarian-left whose lives are sucked into a puritanical cult in constant moral panic about every little thing.
If you’re really interested in finding out why goal posts in schools, colleges, universities, media, news and politics are moving further and further to the authoritarian and socialist left, this is a video you should watch.
Explains in detail the awokening, identity gnosticism and the rise of an authoritarian-left whose lives are sucked into a puritanical cult in constant moral panic about every little thing.
If you’re white, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re a man, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re straight, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re a Christian, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re rich, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re intelligent, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re successful, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re healthy, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re normal, there’s no forgiveness.
If you’re happy, there is no forgiveness.
If you’re alive, there’s no forgiveness.
Just ask Andy Ngo, the journalist.
It's like fight club in that way.
If these people get their way they'll send us all to re-education camps or kill us.
“...is the clearest example of the institutionalization of newest iteration of social justice mentality with all its little Kafka traps and its inability to disagree and how it can hollow out an organization and showing what happens when you put it in practice.”
Thanks, I'll check out the video when I get the chance.
I thought this meme was so appropriate,
Click the link just below then check out post #104. If you still get a red x, try refreshing.
I was able to get it to show up on a completely different computer by clicking and refreshing multiple times. Not sure why.
I wish they had defined social justice. I think of the social justice committee at church, but they mean something different. I also didn't get the references to Evergreen, where apparently they instituted policies based on post-modernism and it was a huge failure.
It was an interesting link between the atheist and skeptic communities and post-modernism.
There are a number of internet videos on the Evergreen fiasco. I posted some of them as the situation was exploding well over a year ago.
The guest speaker wrote this essay which includes his ideas of “social justice.”