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  • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
    Given that Barack has given not the slightest indication of supporting Joe Biden's run for the nomination, and has not expressed any support for the other candidates of color or female gender, I get the feeling that there's a plan afoot to offer Michelle as the candidate that can beat Trump at the convention. Of course Hillary won't like that, as she expects to announce herself in that role.
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    • Posted by term2 5 years, 6 months ago
      Hillary would never actually get anywhere even if she "ran". Neither would Michelle Obama. I mean, WHY would anyone vote for Michelle Obama- She has no qualifications at all really. Imagine putting her up against Putin? It would be a joke.
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      • Posted by ycandrea 5 years, 6 months ago
        Neither did Obama. Neither do most of the other candidates. It just depends on who George Soros wants put in as President. It really threw the deep state when Trump won! They did not see that coming! Hilarious!
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 5 years, 6 months ago
    If you thought all comments against HRC were overblown...

    Imagine a young Black Woman running. Trump is going to have to break EVERY rule (he will).
    The media will accuse him of the most disgusting things on every comment he makes.
    (God Forbid he gives the NickName: Well-Hung Michelle... ROTFLMAO)

    Whatever he does, he will be derided and attacked.
    We are IN A CIVIL war folks, and so far, ONLY the Right are showing any Civility.

    I fear the Michelle is being remade by the same Animitronics programmers that reworked Al Gore into an almost human candidate.

    By far, she would be the hardest one to beat.

    Also, please note the timing is going to be critical. My THEORY is that it plays out like this:
    1) The Fed plays along NOW
    2) The economy numbers are starting to FADE, we missed jobs #s and downgraded the previous numbers
    3) Manufacturing is slowing, and Credit Card Purchases are up, while cash purchases are down (this is all debt based)
    4) As we get within 9 months, the Fed will become HAWKISH and start raising rates, or the other pillars of the economy will be attacked
    5) The news will pound the drums that Trump was a One Term Wonder, and LIKE ALL OF HIS PROPERTIES are over-hyped, and starting to CRASH.

    This is going to be a battle for the UNDECIDED Voters like never before. Candace Owens and others will have huge impacts.

    But Michelle Obama could be the candidate that can't be criticized! And that would be the reason to keep her out, until the very end.
    Because then Trump can't use ANY criticism of her that the Dems used, because she was "White Knighted" into the position, and there will be no criticism on record.
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  • Posted by eckert16 5 years, 6 months ago
    Yes. She will be brought in as the saviour after the old white dems take each other out. She will get the black vote. she will get the women vote. she will get the lgbtwhater vote. she will get the 'liberal white male' vote. she will get the state of CA. She will get the illegals that do vote in CA (yes, they are alllowed and encouraged to vote in CA by whatever means). She will get the vote from anyone who has an obamaphone. sSe will get all those bought and paid for votes because they get free stuff... once she figures out how to convince the college kids that she will guarantee free college, then she will seal the deal. Who would be left to vote Trump? Pray tell me. There are not many conservatives left, and we are rapidly being out-produced by the babyanchors becasue we can't afford to raise kids AND pay taxes... whereas they just reproduce, and don't pay. Nice summary of this in the beginning 5 minutes of the movie "Idiocracy".
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  • Posted by $ blarman 5 years, 6 months ago
    Bwahahaha!!! And her best policy initiative will again be about school lunch mandates. She was a hanger-on then and will continue to be a hanger-on for life.
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  • Posted by mminnick 5 years, 6 months ago
    She will have to beat out Hillary. HRC is looking more and more like a candidate. Not a good one but one never the less. I think planning a "shite knight approach to a brokered convention.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
      The DNC has to be remembering that 800,000 fewer black voters went to the polls for Hillary than did for Obama. If running Michelle would gain them back those lost votes, I think identity politics would win out.
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      • Posted by mminnick 5 years, 6 months ago
        The following is based on my tea leaf reading.
        President Trump is relatively popular among the varius minority group with there falling unemployment numbers and rising incomes. He is likely to pull more minority voters than republicans have in many rears and even decades. Not sure of the impact of Michelle if she is nominee but it would be an interesting set of political strategy ob both sides if she does run and get the nomination.
        Would make for a very interesting 2020 campaign season.
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        • Posted by 5 years, 6 months ago
          If either Michelle or Hillary wind up as the "compromise" candidate, they will have dodged the bloodshed of the primary and be seen as less radical than the losers. Hillary candidacy has "fail" written all over it. Michelle may be almost as popular as Oprah among the black community, but she's a political cipher, with no experience. Her only public record was as the promoter of kale as superior to fast food. If children could vote, she'd definitely lose the votes of those who had to eat the unpalatable fare forced on them thanks to her program. Still, the election has become a reality show, so she would definitely excite those hoping for Obama 2.0, since she could rely on the first dude for help. The real question is can she stand up to the master of these kinds of political shows. I think not.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 years, 6 months ago
    I have felt that that is ole Barry's goal, to slip her in when the others tear each other apart. I hope they remember to advise people she lost her law license in exchange for being given a pass on insurance fraud at the hosptlal where she worked.We must never forget she could not even run a school lunch program properly either.
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  • Posted by term2 5 years, 6 months ago
    I have always thought Michelle Obama was a poor excuse for a Supremes' backup singer. Not much else.
    I hope she runs and just kicks the crap out of Biden. She would never win the general election. We endured already one black president, elected only because he was black. In the future only QUALIFIED people should be president, and skin color is NOT one of the qualifications.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 5 years, 6 months ago
    Not a chance.....Barrack is smart enough to know she can beat Trump this time around, She will have a better chance in the next election....but wait....It is possible Barrack will undermine her in some way because he would never want anyone being more fabulous than him.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 6 months ago
      He better hurry , a cell at Gitmo is a waiting for him.
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      • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 6 months ago
        I have read/heard that NObaqma was lurking in various countries overseas so that he would not be called to testify before congress about his role in the past election crap. I have no idea where he is now.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 6 months ago
          I know he is in Italy. He is quietly meeting with the former PM , Renzi who in 2015-6 weaponized his intelligence agencies to take down Trump in what I call Spyghetti gate.
          They are trying to coordinate their stories. They are dumb socialist deep state scum conspiring with Brennan US Harrigan Uk Downer AUS back then to usurp the will of the people .
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          • Posted by bobsprinkle 5 years, 6 months ago
            John Solomon on Hannity included Italy as being involved in the "intelligence" misdeeds. He mentioned this at the end of the show with "more to come" on next shows. Italy was among others.
            So, it makes sense Obutthole is there trying to cover his a$$.
            Also, it might be interesting to know who is paying for Obuttholes travel and lodging expenses. Yea, I know he became rich on the backs of we Americans. But I would bet he is having others pay for all of this.
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      • Posted by evlwhtguy 5 years, 6 months ago
        We can only hope but even though he gave the Iranians almost a billion in unmarked money in direct violation of law....getting the money from where???? I don't remember congress appropriating it.....he will never see jail....even the Hildabeast will not see jail.

        Aside from the money thing to the Iranians....he really committed no "Crime" other than using the organs of the state to help his re-election and to try to crush Trump and help Hillary....but that would be difficult or impossible to prove as the swamp would have to testify against him.....and they wont. BTW...these are only crimes if Republicans do them.
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