The Virtue of Strength and Herman Cain

Posted by CarolSeer2014 10 years, 6 months ago to News
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Remember Herman Cain? Ran in the Republican primaries in 2012. He said: "You mess with Israel, you mess with me!"
I bet ISIS would have thought twice if Cain had been Commander-in-Chief!
Anyway, that set me thinking. It is not the strong black man I'm afraid of. It's the weak black men who have been told for decades that they are entitled to what I have. I have no qualms that Cain would defend me from the young black hoodlums, and even the young white hoodlums, and do it with a fair application of justice.
Instead, we have Holder, that "poor thing". Apparently we must feel sorry for him because he was profiled by cops when he was young. If you're looking for pity, Eric, you won't find it from me. My vote is for Herman Cain!

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 6 months ago
    I find it hard to vote for someone based on the color of his skin, whether it be someone who has the potential of being a great leader (like Cain) or a week one (like Potus or Handholder). I usually vote for someone who (a) shows the best qualifications, (b) has a grasp on the realities of the job, and (c) has a grasp of what our country and its constitution is about (and is willing to defend, not erode, it).

    I think what I want most is someone who will turn us from this "guaranteed a power-pulling 8 year term" and return us to a nation (and presidency) that we can be proud of. And have a president that is for *all* the people... not just the select few they have a personal interest in.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
      Certainly, I couldn't agree with you more. Just because you're black, doesn't mean you're presidential material, and just because you're white doesn't mean you're presidential material. Also, just because you're a woman...
      Even so, I believe the Dems will be running a woman, since they're absolutely certain they can't win with a man. Although I personally believe any republican can beat any democrat--
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 6 months ago
        Not just any woman; the one who was there before. They want to continue the current "monarchist" model. We have the foundation set already for such a situation, the sheeple are being spoon fed it by the Monarchs, and like the serfs they're becoming, they are eating the idea up hook, line, sinker, rod, reel, and the arm of the fisherman. They're too lazy to think for themselves, and want to be ruled and told what to do, think, and feel by someone else.

        My idea would be change the term of office to one 6 year term, and once you're done, you're done forever. And there has to be at least one break before an immediate family member can hold office - and maybe even then, they should be disqualified if they held certain positions (First Lady, for example). No more spending 1/2 of your term playing electioneer. No more 4x2 fiats, no more handoffs to the spouse/kin/children of yours.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 6 months ago
          Eliminate the perks, too. No more cushy retirement package for any elected public servants. No more air force flights, no first class flights unless paid for in advance by the person flying. No more lobbyist jobs for ex-public servants. Pay for elected public servants no greater than mean lower level management in US industry... since they produce nothing, make them equivalent to bookkeepers. Con-gress critters should spend at least 75% of their time in the home state or district meeting with constituents of all levels.
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          • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 6 months ago

            Yeah, I remember the Pe-loser's crap about "needing to have a private 757 to travel back and forth weekly" due to "National Security concerns".

            Hell, if her (or any of their) security is such a big concern, have them fly in unmarked USAF C-140's. Or hop a cross-country that's already scheduled on a C5A.

            Other than the PotUS (yes, even PotUS Potus), who has a legitimate reason for his/her own aircraft, NONE of those congresscritters or cabineteers need their own special private airplane to show off their pull and power in. Catch a dotmil transcon hop (like we in the service used to do when we had to get somewhere)... or take the train. Or DRIVE THERE like the AMERICAN you espouse to be, not ride like an empress.

            I'm tired of our ELECTED SERVANTS getting privilege, not by the right of EARNING it, but by schmoozing an electorate for it. I still remember sitting next to a Congressman on a cross country flight - in coach, nonetheless - when I was young... because he took his position as a JOB, not as a goodie-bag ass-grab (pardon me). And he was a damned fine conversationalist as well as someone I had wished was *my* congressman. But that was then, and this is now.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 6 months ago
              A few years back I was visiting Australia and a friend had arranged a guide for me in the opal mines in Lightning Ridge NSW. I had to take 2 small planes to get there with a stop in Dubbo NSW. On that flight I sat with a NSW legislator who was the rep for that remote farm area. NSW Parliament is the state Parliament that is probably more like a national legislature than a state one. But this particular guy wanted to talk about Austrian economics. He seemed closer to a libertarian than any rep I have met in the US except for Ron Paul. (OTOH, he could have been adept at responding to his audience;^) That minister had served as the chairman of his party for 6 years and was taking the little prop plane with the rest of us.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 6 months ago
    I voted for Cain in the Florida primary even though I liked Ron Paul a little more because I thought that Cain would be a better opponent for Obama. You can listen to Herman Cain on radio in the Southeast. He broadcasts out of Atlanta and uses the same network that Neal Boortz developed.
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