Rep. Jim Jordan says Democrats are plotting a 'coordinated effort' to take down Trump

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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"Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused his Democratic colleagues in the House of plotting a "coordinated effort to take down the president" and believes they are already working in concert behind the scenes to impeach Donald Trump."
" "I don't think the Democrats can help themselves," he said on "America's Newsroom." "Remember, after all on the very first day of Congress they introduced articles of impeachment... I think they've been determined to get here and I think they've already started. They just haven't formally stated that's what they're up to." "

"Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News there's little, if anything, the Republicans can do to appease Democrats and hold off an avalanche of inquiries targeting Trump."

This has been the aim of the Democrats since the day after the election in 2016. Maxine Waters started shouting "Impeach 45" on that day and has snot stopped. There is not a growing majority of Democrats wanting impeachment. It has always been there but quiet waiting for Mueller to give them evidence to act on. when He didn't, they became vocal and pushing the point is now the only thing on their minds.

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  • Posted by Solver 5 years, 9 months ago
    Democrats feel that what is most important is tearing down power that disagrees with them.

    It’s a post modernism thing.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
      It is also as old as humanity. Those in power don't tolerate different opinions from their own. The rancor between parties in the U.S. is relatively new and is having a very deleterious effect on the country.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 9 months ago
        "The rancor between parties in the U.S. is relatively new and is having a very deleterious effect on the country."
        Yes. I agree completely.
        "Those in power don't tolerate different opinions from their own"
        I don't see the political parties having radically different opinions. They want to catch either other on some legal technically and lock up their opponents, but that's a similarity. Even at the fringes, i.e. the socialist Democrats and deplorable Republicans, they're surprisingly similar to me.
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