Elderly NY State Man Shoots Home Invaders: State Gov't Seizes His Home, Charges Him

Posted by $ allosaur 5 years, 6 months ago to Government
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This sickening unconstitutional crap would not happen in me dino's sweet home Alabama.
The law here sees nothing wrong with the .357 Magnum I keep beside my bed~as well as the 5 other firearms I own.
Me dino could double the number~ka-ching!~if I really wanted to. Some gun shop owner here would be oh so happy!
I take at least 3 weapons when I go to my favorite indoor range on the other side of Birmingham. Legally I can take 'em all!
SOURCE URL: https://www.mrctv.org/blog/elderly-ny-state-man-shoots-home-invaders-govt-seizes-his-home-charges-him-using-unregistered?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTkRReE56Z3lPRGMwWVRnNSIsInQiOiI2YnVtWkoydWt3b3RLNEwxWENuemhLQ05YNVF2bXNnMEdTMnMwenVqYmpMbEU4NVJ6d21WQkhPYnhjeWl1S1wvdWZQeEtZVDRpRk1wOEpWbjZIXC9KeEZTOFFIeloxVGVrbEtYa0JrWVluVm12V1hsd0F0dGw0MXF6TnhLK3JsVU1DIn0%3D

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 6 months ago
    In Texas, even your car is considered under the 'Castle Law'. Same as your home.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
      As well it should be! I am just concerned, though, with the influx of Kalifornians and other overtaxed and under-intelligent people who think "more of their same they came from" will make Texas better. Or to state it differently, "will make Texas Beto."

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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 6 months ago
        Darling, he didn't get elected in Texas, did he? We don't claim him.
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
          Beto? He sure did get elected - in Texas. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representative from the 16th District (El Paso) from 2013 forward, but lost his election for the Senate to Ted Kruse. Thank goodness for small favors.
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          • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 6 months ago
            Nobody pays any attention to State Reps, we have plenty. I was referring to when he ran for U. S. Senate and wasted $80 million dollars. Anyway El Paso is almost in New Mexico! Their only claim to fame is Fort Bliss and I could tell you some tales!
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            • Posted by $ gharkness 5 years, 6 months ago
              While I appreciate your vantage point, I lived in Texas for 66 years, AND will be going back within the next two-three (with no intention of leaving again unless the Kalifornians have their way with the population). So I am not completely ignorant of Texas politics. One thing I learned from the cradle was that people in your area (Southeast?) of the State look very differently upon things than people from my area (North and North East) And that's okay, but I maintain my outlook as before.

              Also some very important things/people have come out of El Paso, not the least of which is my husband :-) So I do pay attention to things over there in no-man's land as well.
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  • Posted by chad 5 years, 6 months ago
    What is frightening is that once the police showed up and assessed the situation instead of being glad that the homeowner was okay they continued to poke around until they found something they could charge him with. Why were they even looking for something to charge the man who had defended himself from someone who had entered his home placing him in a dire situation? I used to carry weapons frequently but don't anymore because I am afraid of the police and their inclination to discover something I can be charged with.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 6 months ago
      Me dino does not know where you live but I would even want to visit.
      Police in Alabama would only be glad I was okay if forced to repel home invaders.
      Shooting an innocent bystander in the process would put me in in hot water, though.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 6 months ago
    I live in Texas. My family came here, from Alabama, in 1830. We still own the land granted to us. That said, my home has 8 outside doors. I don't even know how many windows. But, there are breakage burglar alarms in all 21 rooms, even the four car garage. There is a six foot cedar fence around the entire city block! All four outside gates are kept locked at all times, except when exiting. I have three dogs that are wonderful alarms, they even alert me to the trash collector. There are four gates inside the property. Inside the house is added protection. You should see what my son gave me for Christmas. I am a widow and my husband spent 20 years in the army and 17 years in law enforcement (chief of three agencies). My property is lit up like a Christmas tree after dark (solar lights). I've never had a 'break in'! The police response to my alarm is about 3 minutes. And the Fire Department is already there.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 5 years, 6 months ago
    The right to Keep and bear arms should never be abridged in a person's home. Do you know of any license that restricts or governs inside a person's home?

    People can have sex in their homes without a license. People can have a home business without a license in their homes but not outside. People can cook without regulations.in their home but not in a restaurant They can treat wounds without a medical license.in their home but not in a clinic or hospital.

    The State stops at the person's property. Are there any building codes after a home is built? If you remove or change a smoke detector you don't need a license or a permit while the builder does. You can drive a car in your garage or a tractor on your property without a license. You can't go on the public road though.without a license. Shouldn't it be the same for a gun?

    Doesn't it make sense that what you do in your own home is exempt from licensing. Criminal actions in your home are only murder, rape using a gun, threatening someone with your gun.

    They are not prosecuting him for defending himself. Possession or using a gun for defense in your own home is no one's business unless the gun is stolen. Even then it is not the Keeping of the weapon it is the theft and possession of stolen goods.

    This is a case that should be taken to the Supreme court to uphold the right of a person to keep and bear arms as long as they are obtained without a crime.

    Guess what the Hitlerians would say. But we can't sell to anyone because they might take the gun out of their house and we have to "Control" that usage. If so then you really should bar people from leaving their house at all. Who knows what crimes they "Might" commit. Thought Police anyone? .
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  • Posted by GaryL 5 years, 6 months ago
    Why I refer to my NY State as a Communist State.
    My aunt had a handgun and before she died she packed boxes with her things and put names on them. My wife and I got my grandmothers old cast iron cookware. It sat in my basement for years until I wanted to use her old Dutch oven pot. In the pot I found her gun and permit. I had an unregistered handgun for over 10 years and never knew it. It is legal now thanks to my county Sheriff. Her gun was on her permit and this was known to the NYS Police permit bureau. Why did they never ever ask where her gun ended up? Most of the contents of her home were sold to a guy who cleans out houses and he could certainly have ended up with the gun because we looked all over for it and just gave up thinking she must have sold it. I have rifles from long before NY ever kept any such records and the NYS SAFE act is a complete joke if they have no idea who has what guns from long before records were ever kept. They are attempting to put toothpaste back in the tube with all of these new restrictions but it is actually a back door way to make law abiding residents into instant felons.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 6 months ago
      To use a gun to defend your life, the lives of your family and others (such as during a mass shooting) and then to go to jail for having a gun is an alien concept to this Alabaman who's still protected by the (law of the land?) Second Amendment.
      Well, just plain living under rule by fear Communism is an altogether alien concept to me. As alien as a being foreign does not belong here circumstance.
      Trouble is, exceller on this thread is right.
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  • Posted by bradberry1984 5 years, 6 months ago
    Sorry to read a story like this but most States have laws that CLEARLY state that you cannot shoot someone just because the come into your house. There has to be a clear defined since of threatening action to harm prior to the decision of shooting any intruders. Like it or not, that is the law. I have carried a gun since 1998 when I first got my CHL and I own my share of different firearms. I take care of them and I train with them. Not understanding the laws is no excuse. I also live in a liberal state (Oregon) and fight the battle daily to retain my God Given Birth Rights. Do I agree with awarding criminals, no. But the law of that State, is still the law regardless if we agree with it. Just need to get the correct persons in charge to change those laws. Good luck with that in a liberal state.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 6 months ago
    Earlier this year, I saw the Supremes ruled against the government for seizing a guy's property because of a $250 fine. They had to release it! They ruled 'excessive fines and forfeitures'. Wonder how much this man's fine was and what the value of his home is?
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  • Posted by exceller 5 years, 6 months ago
    Are you sure Dino it would not happen in Alabama?

    The way things are "progressing" you are probably not far from it.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 6 months ago
      Nope. The City of Birmingham may have some gun shops and a couple of second-rate target ranges I know of and host an occasional gun show at the civic center (bought an AR-15 as a present for my son there) but the city is now a blue blemish on a red state run by Democrats.
      The first rate indoor target range me dino prefers is in Hoover, Birmingham's most ritzy of satellite cities where the Galleria mall with an elevator connected to a major hotel is at. That hotel is where dignitaries and celebrities who come to Birmingham are apt to spend their nights.
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