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I'd rather have quality over quantity.
Missing his posts? No need. For example, my PC knows me dino so well that all I have to do is press "f" in my URL in order to get this~~
So you can see there is no need for anyone to carpet bomb The Gulch with news found on Fox.
Just go to Fox. By the way, just pressing "m" into my URL also gets me~~https://www.msn.com/
And if mminnick comes back hopefully with something different, I have no plans to confront him again. Heck, me dino was ignoring him until a friend was asked me to talk to him.
We could use some rain in the vicinity of Birmingham, Alabama. Three days ago a lady on the radio said we're on the verge of a drought.
Then it hit me. Last time we had a drought, there was flooding elsewhere in the USA.
Today I noticed thunderstorm predicted for the weekend. So maybe it will rain again down here in Dixie.