Senate panel advances Trump's Space Force

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to News
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" A key Senate panel is giving its blessing to President Trump’s plan to create a Space Force."
"The Senate Armed Services Committee’s fiscal year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), advanced Wednesday, would authorize $72.4 million to create Space Force as a branch of the military under the purview of the Department of the Air Force, the committee announced Thursday."

Something like this is long over due. China and Russia have moved ahead of the U.S. in manned flight capability and in some aspects of unmanned capabilities. China landed on the Dark side of the Moon, something we have never done.
Granted we are the only people to actually land a human on the moon but that was 50 years ago. If we had continued to push as with did with lunar exploration we would be on Mars by now. Now Push no gain.

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 9 months ago
    I think this is a nothing burger. Time will tell. I think it will turn out to be just another drop of gov't spending with no purpose. If they create a base on Mars or the moon, I will be wrong. It just sounds like marketing for the gov't spending more money on things it's already doing.
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