Mueller files reveal Flynn was being probed earlier than thought; brother alleges 'trap' effort

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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"Michael Flynn was under FBI investigation earlier than previously thought, according to a little-noticed section in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report -- and the former national security adviser's brother told Fox News exclusively this week that the revelation suggested a long-running, high-level effort to "trip him up" and "trap" him.
Buried in the second volume of the Mueller report was a mention of an existing FBI investigation of Flynn "based on his relationship with the Russian government," which predated Flynn's phone calls during the presidential transition in December 2016 with then-Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak that ultimately led to his termination for lying.

It was previously thought that Flynn’s communications with Kislyak – picked up by the U.S. intelligence community – made the FBI suspicious, sparking the Flynn probe."

I'm guessing but I think they were going to try to flip Flynn and use him as a spy against Trump. That is the usual MO for this type of operation.
If this was not the goal, shy wouldn't they inform Candidate Trump and them President Elect Trum and then President Trump of the investigation of one of his top sor soo to be top aides? They wanted more than Flynn. they wanted Trump and would do anything to get him.

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months ago
    Being an Army wife (now widow), I recollect some things that I wasn't aware of earlier. Career military types are so busy concentrating on their work they aren't aware there is an 'outside' world. My husband never voted before he retired. His answer was, 'The guy who gets elected is MY Commander in Chief!' Unarguable statement.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
      My father was career also. He voted, but I never knew whick way and didn't ask. Your vote was your business was his motto and I follow that still. But I'm relatively sure my posts and tweets give my political leanings away.
      The President, no matter who was itne CnC didn't matter the party. Hew was the boss.
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