"Intent" or "Letter"

Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 5 years, 9 months ago to Government
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The INTENT of the traffic laws are PUBLIC SAFETY.

The LETTER of the law, which judges claim are the deciding factor are WRITTEN BY POLITICIANS as REVENUE GENERATING tools.

Logically, the INTENT would be the SUPERIOR of the two.

HOWEVER, the Constitution Guarantees an IMPARTIAL JUDGE.

When the 'judge' ASSUMES THE STATES POSITION, he/she is NO LONGER IMPARTIAL, but merely a COLLECTION AGENT for the government.

AND THAT IS ILLEGAL! and should be pointed out in the court records.

I'm waiting for the time, if and when, I end up in front of a judge with that attitude of THE LETTER OF THE LAW takes precedence so I can ask if that holds True for the Second Amendment as well.

Either he says "YES" which amount to his INVALIDATING EVERY GUN CONTROL LAW ON THE BOOKS, and "NO" invalidates everything he just said in the case at hand.

Such a conundrum they would have to deal with.

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  • Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago
    Nost likely you woud get the reply "That question is not germain to the case currently before the court" unless you are there in a weapons passion case. In that case you would most like get a variant of the answer Like that is not a question addressable by this court.
    In short the judge would refuse to answer.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 9 months ago
    With the issue of traffic laws, it seems there is a strong case that the way we enforce them is revenue generating since the technology exists to monitor all vehicles and immediately take action (a warning, a ticket, revoking the license, disabling the car) when a violation occurs. Since we don't use that technology, it seems like the law in action is more of a revenue generating thing.

    The speed limit in front of my house is 30 mph. The gov't did a speed study and found the average speed is 44mph. The only response is the occasional speed trap, which drivers treat as a random peril like needing to repair a tire. The gov't could save money by setting a hard limit of 45 mph and having the machine mail you a ticket if it sees you going 46 mph or faster.

    I don't immediately see the connection between this and gun rights.
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