Big tech has spent $582M lobbying Congress. Here’s where that money went

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Business
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The five biggest technology companies in the U.S. have poured more than half a billion dollars since 2005 into lobbying Congress on issues ranging from privacy to tax laws.
From 2005 to 2018, Amazon
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, Apple
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, Facebook , Google and Microsoft
spent a collective $582 million trying to influence Capitol Hill, according to a new report from vpnMentor, as some of those companies tried to privately battle growing concerns about their handling of user data.
“Big tech companies such as Facebook and Google spend millions to convince us and lawmakers that it’s ok for them to use and exploit our data, or that this is just an inevitable conclusion of our online activity,” Ariel Hochstadt, the co-founder of vpnMentor, said in a statement. "
Big Tech spent almost $600M to influence lawmakers and regulators to do things their way. That's a lot of influence About $1M per lawmaker. Mp wonder they go in average wealth and come out millionaires.

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