CrossFit drops Facebook due to a list of reasons, including “Facebook’s utopian socialists”

Posted by Solver 5 years, 9 months ago to News
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“CrossFit, Inc. defends relentlessly the right of its affiliates, trainers, and athletes to practice CrossFit, build voluntary CrossFit associations and businesses, and speak openly and freely about the ideas and principles that animate our views of exercise, nutrition, and health. This website—and, until recently, CrossFit’s Facebook and Instagram accounts—has long catalogued CrossFit’s tireless defense of its community against overreaching governments, malicious competitors, and corrupt academic organizations.”
“Facebook and its properties host and oversee a significant share of the marketplace of public thought. To millions of individuals and communities across the world, Facebook and its properties remain the platforms where ideas and information are exchanged. Facebook thus serves as a de facto authority over the public square, arbitrating a worldwide exchange of information as well as overseeing the security of the individuals and communities who entrust their ideas, work, and private data to this platform. This mandates a certain responsibility and assurance of good faith, transparency, and due process.”
“3. Facebook censors and removes user accounts based on unknown criteria and at the request of third parties including government and foreign government agencies.”
“5. Facebook’s news feeds are censored and crafted to reflect the political leanings of Facebook’s utopian socialists while remaining vulnerable to misinformation campaigns designed to stir up violence and prejudice.”
“For these reasons, CrossFit, Inc. has placed Facebook and its associated properties under review and will no longer support or use Facebook’s services until further notice.”

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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 years, 9 months ago
    CrossFit , Inc. I salute your principled decision.
    Facebook and the rest of Socialist Media are violating the freedom of speech rights of millions of Americans. We would not stand for that abuse if it was civil rights nor should we stand for their biased censorship. Thanks Solver:)
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  • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
    Reason has an article about this,

    “This is one way that marketplaces—whether for goods and services or for ideas—are supposed to work. In the parlance of political economist Albert O. Hirschman, CrossFit is not simply exercising its right of "exit" by leaving Facebook but also its right of "voice" by complaining publicly.”
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