Conway clashes with Pelosi after Trump infrastructure blowup
Trump left the meeting after berating Democrats for roughly three minutes about their investigations and Pelosi's claim that he had “engaged in a cover-up.”
Pelosi then told others who remained that former Presidents Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt worked with their opponents to solve infrastructure problems but added that she was not surprised Trump walked away, according to a source familiar with the exchange.
Conway then turned to Pelosi and asked if she had “a direct response to the president.”
When Pelosi replied that she was responding to the president, and not to his staff, Conway replied, “Really great. That’s really pro-woman of you.”
The back-and-forth underscored the animosity between Trump and Democrats following the president’s decision to pull the plug on infrastructure talks.
Pelosi's comment is what Barr saiud wgeb rgew house Judiciary committee wanted it staff lawyers to question him. Funny how it's OK for the Speaker to say that, but not the AG. The world of politics is a strange and wonderful place where A!=A (A not Equal A)
Pelosi then told others who remained that former Presidents Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt worked with their opponents to solve infrastructure problems but added that she was not surprised Trump walked away, according to a source familiar with the exchange.
Conway then turned to Pelosi and asked if she had “a direct response to the president.”
When Pelosi replied that she was responding to the president, and not to his staff, Conway replied, “Really great. That’s really pro-woman of you.”
The back-and-forth underscored the animosity between Trump and Democrats following the president’s decision to pull the plug on infrastructure talks.
Pelosi's comment is what Barr saiud wgeb rgew house Judiciary committee wanted it staff lawyers to question him. Funny how it's OK for the Speaker to say that, but not the AG. The world of politics is a strange and wonderful place where A!=A (A not Equal A)
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- 1Posted by BCRinFremont 5 years, 9 months agoNancy Legosi is looking more and more like a wax museum exhibit.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months agoTry as I may, I cannot understand these crazy Democrats! Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) is espousing Impeachment of our President and stated, "I was elected by the American people to do this job!" Correction, she was elected by the fruits and nuts in California. I didn't vote for her. Their confusion amazes me. She puts herself in the position of our President!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months agoMy question would be "Did you run on announced platform of impeaching President Trump or did you hide it then come out once you were elected?" Something tells me it was hidden well from the voting public in her district.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|