O’Rourke suggests using tax code to transfer wealth from rich whites to African-Americans

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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"Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke suggested Thursday using the tax code to address income inequity by transferring wealth from rich white residents to African-Americans.
During a campaign event at the Salem, N.H., home of James Smith, a former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, about 100 attendees gathered to see and listen to the former congressman from Texas congressman, the Washington Examiner reported.

One person asked O’Rourke how he would use the tax code to help minorities. He first responded by detailing the difficulties African-Americans have faced in trying to build wealth in the face of what he said was institutional discrimination."

What I find most interesting about his approach is that it focuses on two groups only (Whites a and Blacks) there are other poor segments of society Namely all segments. there are poor Whitesm poor blacks, poor latino, poor Asians infoact poor XXX . all segments have poor people. If you select one segment to receive the "White Rich Peoples money" you are discriminating against all of the other poor people groups. When is their turn to receive OPM? Why not take money from all rich people (his real goal)? If Beto says that he is alienating the groups hew needs to move forward. Something he can't afford to do so he mentions only White and Black The traditional pairing.
SOURCE URL: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/orourke-suggests-using-tax-code-to-transfer-wealth-from-rich-whites-to-african-americans

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months ago
    Pay attention. He couldn't get elected in Texas despite spending $80 million dollars to try for a Senate seat. Don't give him any more publicity. He is a poor joke!
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