Interesting chain of logic
What if, over the years, a system was set up to encourage, control, gather dirty evidence on, politicians and celebrities to enable blackmail and obediance to a greater entity (such as the deep state). You have parties, underage girls and boys, and you film or video participants and then "poof" you have them nailed for life. You could then have them do anything you want, say anything you want and be anything you need. Does this sound familiar? Watch this and follow the logic, and it seems like a few people have been setting up a system to pander to the basest desires, and this may have been going on for a long time. Why else would you be able to flip off an entire government (in the Virgin Islands) and continue to build whatever you want, despite daily fines? Because you own all the people who would ever hurt you. It also explains why you get your pedophile case quietly dropped....
As a result of phone, business, and general cameras and social media, this now applies to all of us. There is no need for a conspiracy to document all of the stupid/politically incorrect things that each fallible human does in the course of their lives...we have created a 'small gossipy town' out of what used to be pleasant modern anonymity. Now we must live with it, because even if we could change deliberate covert government programs to control politicians we will not escape Facebook and Youtube.
Why was this never mainstream? It is as illegal as anything can possibly be. It takes a FISA warrant to gather intelligence on a US citizen.
Lets not even go through Facebook/Lifelog and Angelfire which fed the Hammer. This is VERY criminal.
Are we at a point of there is no accountability therefore no wrong? Seems like I remember something about "casting the first stone". Also,
didn't somebody die on a cross to forgive us of these wrongs?
We will see more of this. What if the women in Burka Fina {rescued} was the missing adulteress of Getty .
This was a flashback. Bert Lance. During Carter's run for office, Lance had helped Carter secure funding by using stored peanuts at Carter's peanut business. It was alleged that there were no peanuts in the storage facilities.
After these two videos . (I took Sir Patrick Mack’s advise and watched his previous video.) Clearly it is easy to see what we have been speaking of
Blackmail. I often wondered how a peanut farmer from Georgia was an expert on the Persian State.
And Why he would want to stick the USA’s nose into it.
It reminded me of his article in Playboy. He famously announced he had lusted after other women. Now I wonder if he was talking about the groto. Carter beat Ford . I always thought of Ford as a kind of goofball. After listening to a few Cathy O’Brien videos who was raised to be a “honey pot” in Michigan and her very credible testimony after being rescued from a likely fate by her ex-c_a
now husband. She had very bad things to say about the pee doh vile Ford.
Nothing new for these Clowns. The deviant behavior brought out by knowing how to crack a mans integrity is an art to them. As people become popular and celebrated . Many start to feel entitled. How many typical men would not be tempted by a playmate if they feel they are entitled and in a “safe place”.
The more you know....
imo, no one is immune to corruption by power.
The people have allowed a transfer of power from themselves, the "sovereign people", to government and the elite who control government from behind the scenes. This has been going on from the very beginning of the country with the traitor, Alexander Hamilton, the wanna-be king John Adams. However, it was kept in check while the letter of the Constitution was honored and often obeyed. The traitor Lincoln broke the Constitution when he declared that the "union" was more important than the will of the people. Lincoln used slavery as an excuse to transfer power from the people to the federal government and used the military to crush opposition to federal government unfair taxation (tariffs to benefit northern manufacturers) on the people of the southern states.
That opened the door for the thieves who looted the south for decades after the end of the war. We have been indoctrinated to hail Lincoln as a hero and a great president, but we have not been told the truth. Winners write the history books and history books often lie to protect the guilty winners.
The banking cartel took control in 1913 when private bankers bought control of con-gress and 2/3 of the state legislatures, and passed both the federal reserve act and the 16th amendment. This transferred control of the production of the sovereign people to the government and to the puppeteers of the banking cartel.
Control of the monetary system is key to removing the temptation of power from the system. Removing taxation on production is vital to return power from the looters to the producers.
These two commie pigs rose to the top of the govt agencies hmmm. We have been under attack from domestic enemies for decades.
Reagan was attacked, both Bush Presidents were attacked and Trump has been brutalized beyond belief. Items decades old being prought up and rehashed. Old tax records surfaced and published.
I would say that the system described was reasonably well established in is on the verge of a successful takeover of the country.
If Hillary had been elected, it would be in full control now.