Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher’s lawyers say military prosecutors spied by hiding tracking software in emails

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to News
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"Lawyers representing the decorated Navy SEAL accused of killing an injured ISIS prisoner of war in Iraq are now accusing military prosecutors of installing tracking software in emails in an apparent attempt to find out who is leaking information to the media about the case, an explosive report claims.
Edward Gallagher’s legal team caught on to the alleged scheme last week after they noticed an unusual logo of an American flag with a bald eagle perched on the scales of justice beneath the signature of a message sent to them by one of the prosecutors, according to the Associated Press. It was not an official government logo and the lawyers reportedly found suspicious tracking software embedded inside it."
""I've seen some crazy stuff but for a case like this it's complete insanity," attorney Timothy Parlatore told the Associated Press. "I was absolutely stunned... especially given the fact that it's so clear the government has been the one doing the leaking."
The emails were sent last Wednesday to 13 lawyers and paralegals on their team — and to Carl Prine, a reporter for the Navy Times newspaper, who has broken several stories about the case based on documents provided by sources."

Why is it that prosecutors think they can violate the law and constitution whenever they want and have no fear that they will be penalized for it. Not just civilian but military JAG officers.
If they had to serve the terms they got by these methods as punishment, they might stop doing it.

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months ago
    Whoever gave you the idea the Military was filled with intelligent beings? Not me! Possibly some of them went to Texas A&M. Ah that is it!
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    • Posted by 5 years, 9 months ago
      To answer your question:
      1. My father rose from Private to O6 (Twice) Spent 22 yeats and gought in WW2 and Korea
      2. My brother West Point Grad and served in Viet Nam.
      3. Multiple uncles and cousins from WW2 to Afghanistan and Iraq.
      All honest and honorable.
      4. Many officers and enlisted I worked with while working as a DoD/DA civilian Operations Research Analyst.

      I could go on but you get the drift.
      I am ashamed of the people who do things like the above mentined prosecutors. The shame the military and themselves. just as the people in the criminal justice system shame themselves by there actins and misdeeds.
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