Rich Lowry: Bob Mueller’s job now is just to go away

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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"The last thing the world needs is more of Robert Mueller’s commentary, but Congress is determined to have him hold forth at a public hearing.
It isn’t as though we don’t already have the special counsel’s version of events. He mustered enormous investigative resources and took two years to write a 400-page report that is available to the public and presumably carefully written (although not necessarily carefully thought through)."
"As a prosecutor, Mueller’s sole job was to decide whether or not the president was guilty of a crime. He declined to do this, choosing ­instead to write a nearly 200-page volume on obstruction cataloging what he found in the course of not making the only decision he was supposed to make."

The Democrats do not want him to ho away. I noticed that Mr. Mueller has not yet accepted Sen Graham's invite to testify before the Senate. I guess the audience is not sympathetic enough.

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 10 months ago
    I have long suspected he was doing the job he was hired to do! His report was very well planned. It worked just like it was planned to work. Create more havoc and hate! I think he doesn't belong in our polite society!
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    • Posted by 5 years, 10 months ago
      Mueller, Hillary and the Dims in general ceated more havoc and discord in the election process than Russia could ever have achieved on its own. They played into the hand of the Russians at almost every turn. What a shame.
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