Cory Booker wants to require federal license for gun owners

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Booker uses the analogy of a drivers license to justify the Federal Gun License. A small problem or two with this. There is no federal drives license. the concept behind the Drivers License is reciprocity between states in the recognition of the privileges involved in driving.
Now if the Federal gun License does the same thing, then it might not be a bad ides. All of this would need to be codified and the states woud be required to modify their gun laws to cover the new rules and regulations.
Do I think such a thing will happen. Pigs will fly around on Mars first. Also an exceeding hot place will freeze

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 5 years, 10 months ago
    Yeah, have a license. Then, start restricting the licensure. Then stop issuing them. Done...

    Anybody in the market for a bridge?...
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 5 years, 10 months ago
    "Now if the Federal gun License does the same thing, then it might not be a bad idea."
    "Pigs will fly around on Mars first."
    That's my exact thought. It seems like the 2nd Amendment guarantees individual citizens the right to guns, but it is not a suicide pact forcing us to allow people with severe mental illness or repeated violent behavior to keep their guns. I don't trust the politicians to come up with a reasonable system to take guns from the truly dangerous.

    I knew someone who couldn't get concealed carry because he had recently gotten a ticket for disorderly conduct due to a heated argument with his ex-g/f. I thought that was overkill on the part of the gov't, but they'd rather err on the side of denying the permit. So I'm cautious of even sensible gun laws. I think he got his right to a permit resorted and now does gun service and sales, so at least his case worked out.
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