Bitcoin Ransomware Siege: Google Disables Baltimore's Gmail During $100,000 Standoff

Posted by $ nickursis 5 years, 9 months ago to Government
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HA! You just have to laugh at this, one of the great "politically connected" cities, where your party is your ticket, your donations your passport, famous for its racism and abuse of police for political gain, has fallen. I don't see it getting up soon either, since I doubt they have 2 smart cookies on their payroll, as it would crowd out the cronies, the patrons, the donors and the demonrats. Portland Or next maybe? Seattle? Sacramento? Why don't you see this in lamestream, I am sure they can make up some paper showing Trump caused it, did it, is behind it.....

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  • Posted by Solver 5 years, 9 months ago
    “The email account that you tried to reach is disabled.”

    A big problem with Google, and too many other big techs, is that they try, judge and sentence you, without you. Often, In order for you to find out the specifics of why your life has been abruptly uprooted, requires a lot of political pull.

    In this case Google’s policies and procedures helped take down a city, before talking to anyone.
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
      Flip side though, they inundated Google with email account requests, which is what triggered the shutdown. Of course trying to contact ANY of these huge companies is almost a lost cause, However, being a demonrat city, I would have thought they would be able to contact their deep state cabal controller and asked for Larry Page's number, which is probably on speed dial.....
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      • Posted by Solver 5 years, 9 months ago
        So Google abruptly shut it all down. They couldn’t have sent some warning Gmail’s first?
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        • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
          Oh sure, if there had been a human involved, AND they cared. Most companies today I deal with seem to not give a hot about the customer, they are like aphids waiting to be milked by the farmer ants...don't get me wrong, Google is an evil nasty company, but Baltimore is an evil, nasty city, the two deserve each other. Remember this:

          "Baltimore, which has been dubbed the most dangerous big city in America, has had three police commissioners in three years. The previous one, Darryl De Sousa, resigned in May after five months on the job because federal prosecutors in Maryland charged him with willfully failing to file income tax returns for 2013, 2014 and 2015."

          They are on No.3 in 3 years. He states he has no tolerance for corruption. Right. This city is a bigger Flint, and is a testimonial to how corrupt the "race issue" is, and how it has been used by the deep state to take over and run towns and cities into the ground. It is not that blacks are bad, it is that bad blacks are as bad as bad Whites, Asians and Hispanics, and they have an unerring capability to get in charge of these collapsing cities and towns and try to milk them dry.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 9 months ago
            I know nothing about the ex-police commissioner, but willfully failing to file income tax returns sounds like an admirable act if taken in light of how income taxes are the way that the federal monster enslaves Americans. (I agree with your other observations about looting "leaders.")
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            • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
              Well, yea, I was thinking that could slide by, but then, the issue is that only he did it, so why is he special? Which brings up this question, if he always gets money back, then why would not filing them be against the law anyways? If you are not upset with what they stole, who are they to say "you must file to get any back"...
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              • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 9 months ago
                Not filing is against the law because government is a meddling beast that interferes in every way possible.
                Doesn't have to be rational to the one being enslaved.
                Here a business has to file a sales tax form even when there are no sales. If you don't file you get a penalty fine. Filing is done on the web so it doesn't even employ many looters. Makes very little sense to the one being enslaved.
                It gets the serf accustomed to following irrational orders without question.
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          • Posted by Solver 5 years, 9 months ago
            “Oh sure, if there had been a human involved...”
            The AI did it is no excuse! Humans create the policies and methods that are programmed in computer code. Personal responsibility still applies.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 9 months ago
              The irresponsible humans still hide behind "the computer messed it up" because that has worked in the past (and it was true as far as most people understood at the customer service level some years ago.) Now it's sometimes an intentional way to escape responsibility while claiming to "take responsibility."
              Aide to senator, "You don't want to know. You want plausible deniability." For example, Hitlery's email server. She was responsible. She knew it was wrong, and she did it to hide her looting and treason. Try her and execute her on the DC mall with a worldwide broadcast on pay per view.
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            • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
              I added ""And they cared" key point. Humans are no better than an AI for customer service when they don't give a crap, and the company is just shamming "customer service". My point was it didin't matter, they were doomed. They wanted a typical libertard socialist free ride: "Oh, we were stupid and let the robber in the house, so we will just use all the neighbors stuff". They wanted free email to replace their now dead system. Had they had competent people in the first place, and had appropriate safeguards (off site backups all records on separate, disconnected drives), they could tell the ramsomeware idiots to go f@$k off and die, reboot and reload, change all passwords and be up and running in a couple days. But Nooooo, they were idiots, and their nephews and uncles who they hired knew nothing, and they got hammered for it. These threats are not unknown or secret. You can prevent and defend, but you have to know what you are doing ad follow basic rules and procedures. Libertards only know one set of rules and procedures: "What I want NOW". OK, they got it. So Google does have a right to have their defences in place, and Cess Pool Baltimore does not have a right to steal thousands of free email accounts to cover for their stupidity. They could also hire a company to provide a secure email service and be up in a day or 2 with temporary addresses, but then, that isn't free. Demonrats are all about free, because all the money is in their pockets.We do end up back a personal responsibility and their responsibility to the city, but they haven't had anyone like that for decades or longer, just like shatcago....
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              • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 9 months ago
                So right, nick. They could have called up Google and paid them a fair amount to get the accounts set up to get them through the issue. But would an IT department head who had just failed to provide data security want to do that?
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              • Posted by Solver 5 years, 9 months ago
                I agree. Personal responsibility was severely lacking. Just pointing out that, “the auto pilot crashed the Tesla or the jet plane or the Gmail accounts”, doesn’t excuse the humans (companies) that set it in motion.

                In this case, the people at Google didn’t care, so they let some all knowing machine try, judge and execute their customer’s accounts in milliseconds. I have a big problem with machines doing this without any humans monitoring or being able to override the machines. (But that would take personal responsibility.)
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                • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
                  Yes, fundamentally you are correct, the point is that scale alone requires defence in depth, how many times do you find you get crazy requirements like needing to retrieve a code from an email to get a web site to let you in on your credentials, "we want to verify you are you". In this case some Balt employe was doing something stupid, responded to an email or went to a bad website, or got phished, and boom! That is all it takes. Most IT people who are not serious do not update their software, and ensure they have all their ports locked down, so just one goober in the gang is all it takes.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months ago
    Of course, Trump did it!
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 years, 9 months ago
      Is this another of those 'False Flags?'
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
        Not unless the deep state is eating itself, which it could be. Their false flags almost invariably involve killing people, which is why they keep looking for crisis actors.There were ads out for crisis actors for this weekend in Las Vegas, and also for an "emergency drill event" in the midwest (June 01-05).
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    • Posted by Solver 5 years, 9 months ago
      Some believe that everything bad is caused by Satan. Then there are the far leftists in America that feel Satan is a humble saint compared to Trump.
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
        It depends on what you want to believe causes evil behavior where people have all their property stolen, or get killed, or maimed, or children are abused. If that is called "satan", well, ok, I can handle the term. Just as how people will ascribe all good, happy joyous things to God. Just from the day to day things I see, the ignorant, dangerous, mean people I run into, I can be persuaded satan is out and at work. Just another label for evil, or the dark side, or just complete bonehead morons. Yes, they do believe satan is their god, there is a boatload of symbology floating around to support it. Their god is an evil, violent dick, though. I haven't seen Trump killing anyone, or allowing thousands of undocumented people to slither into the country, and have hundreds die along the way, or bring in all kinds of diseases, and call it "no big deal"....OR legalize killing infants and calling it "womens reproductive health", I call that "evil".
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 9 months ago
      Of course he did it. If he did, I hope Portland and Salem in Oregon are on his list. They will be just as easy to take down. Flint Michigan would also be an easy target being as corrupt as Baltimore, so just as liable to have the Mayors nephew as IT guy. You pay for incompetency today, in so many ways...
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