Pentagon says it'll send ship, missile battery to Middle East to deter Iran

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to News
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"The Pentagon announced plans Friday to send a U.S. ship and a Patriot missile battery to the Middle East in an effort to deter actions from Iran.
Acting Defense Secretary Patrick M. Shanahan gave the green light to move the USS Arlington and the Patriot battery, according to a statement. The latter is "a long-range, all-weather air defense system to counter tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and advanced aircraft," the Pentagon said."

I would not bet too much on the mullahs getting the messge. 1 ship and 1 missile battery? I'm not sure they truly grasl the capability of 1 U.S. ship and one Patriot battery.
I worked on both systems in my misspent youth and known exactly what they are capable of accomplishing. If you through in the capabilities of a CVN and bomber detachment well---"Welcome to the stona age my friends" I mean that almost literally.

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