Newt Gingrich: THIS is the greatest threat to a free society

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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"If you put all the pieces of the left’s efforts to crush dissent together, the picture is disturbing – and more than a little frightening.
One of the key principles of playing go, or wei qi as the Chinese and Japanese call their favorite board game, is to look at the entire board before every move. To win, you must always have a sense of all the possibilities and your opponent’s situation before you make a move."
"If you look up from the gossip and noise of Washington and look at the entire board of American politics, the emerging picture is the greatest threat to a free society in our lifetime – maybe since the Civil War.

In a nutshell Gingritch is saying "Know your enemy and fully understand what they want and what they are willing to do to win. NOt sure the Republicans are in that position now. The Democrats appear to be willing to destroy the constitution and the Declaration of Independence plus almost 250 years of American liberty and independence in order to destroy Trump and the Conservatives in the republican part.

Watch out the ride is going to get very rough in the immediate future.

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