Another Instagram couple slammed for 'stupid' photo shoot on moving train: 'Are you really ready to die for a pic?'
Not sure how many Gulch people know about the DARWIN Awards but this couple definitely qualifies. Except for the part about removing themselves from the gene pool. Given their actions that is only a matter of time.
BTW after watching this I do not wat to try dancing on wings.
These days her 10-year-old great-great-granddaughter cannot not play alone in a city park without someone complaining to the police.
Assuming it exposes only the participants to risk, no one has the authority to chastise them. I'd hate to see the authorities get involved in stopping them.
This one is the species I encounter frequently, who does things mindlessly and on the spur without ever thinking of consequences.
Self absorbed narcissists totally oblivious to the feeling of others. As I said prime candidates for a Sarwin Award.
It is innocent people who happen to be nearby or wander into their path while committing these idiotic stuns.