Obama spymasters point fingers amid Russia probe review: ‘Throwing each other under the bus’

Posted by mminnick 5 years, 9 months ago to News
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The launch of a formal inquiry into the origins of the Russia investigation -- being led by one of the Justice Department’s toughest prosecutors -- has touched off a new round of behind-the-scenes finger-pointing among Obama administration officials who could have some explaining to do about efforts to surveil the Trump campaign.
A key dispute that flared this week concerns whether then-FBI Director James Comey or then-CIA Director John Brennan -- or both of them -- pushed the unverified Steele dossier containing claims about President Trump and his relationship to Russia. The dossier’s more sensational claims were never substantiated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team.

Which one started the Hoax doesn't matter. Both spread it, both knew it was false and both are still guilty of spreading it about.
SOURCE URL: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-spymasters-point-fingers-amid-russia-probe-review-throwing-each-other-under-the-bus

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