Hi. My name is...Paul Rikmans

Posted by Paul_Rikmans 5 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...well yes I might agree, but there are other things which are important to make you happy...
Anyway, I have read Ayn Rand when I was a student , many years ago. Although I could not understand all issues, there was a feeling of recognition. Later I was one of the founding members of the objectivist/ libertarian movement in The Netherlands.
Now I am a pensioner, was never so busy (!) and still see the importance of what Ayn Rand wrote.
Busy on twitter (@paulrikmans), but it wears me out, so I try to reduce the time spending there.
Many things are happening in the world and I hope to add a drop to make the world free again.

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